The Chamber commemorates and remembers Berlusconi

The Chamber of the Camera commemorates and remembers Silvio Berlusconiof a year since his passing. Forza Italia group leader Paolo Barelli spoke first, whose words were greeted by long applause from the majority deputies and in particular from FI. “Today is a date of infinite sadness, our leader left us a year ago” and I know I share the “deep emotion and emotion with all my colleagues in the FI group. Berlusconi’s name will always be in our symbol and name of the group because it is engraved in fiery characters in our hearts”, said Barelli.

“Political judgments are naturally different and too little time has passed to have the judgment of history, but still today Berlusconi is the protagonist of current affairs and the future of politics.” “No one can deny that the second Republic would never have been born without him, without him bipolarism would not exist and a centre-right government would never have been born.” And again Barelli recalled “his extraordinary ability to dream of the future and know how to outline it”.

The former prime minister has “suffered unprecedented judicial persecution”, he underlined. “No one can replace him, but all of us have made the solemn commitment to work with Tajani with all our energies to follow the path indicated by our founder. Without him it will be much more difficult but we will do our best to be worthy of his legacy ‘, so that from heaven he may be worthy of us”, concluded the blue group leader.


Tajani: “Freedom at the center of his political activity

As Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, he has made “a great effort to try to renew our country”, he said in the Chamber Antonio Tajani, Foreign Minister and secretary of Forza Italia. Tajani recalled the “Berlusconi’s strong closeness to the United States, whoever they were governed by”, and “his displeasure at an attitude he no longer shared with the one he considered a friend, Putin. He always said ‘he is a man who has changed’ and he voted in the European Parliament against the invasion of Ukraine, demonstrating that the value of freedom prevailed in him over what had been a friendship.”

“For him – he added – political colors didn’t matter, personal relationships mattered. He defended Europeanism and Atlanticism. He was always ready to confront anyone in order to protect the national interest, always respecting people.”

M5s thrust in the Chamber: “its disastrous legacy”

Oneungo j’accuse pronounced in the Chamberwith all the deputies M5s standing amid the complaints of the center-right. The last to intervene is the pentastellato Riccardo Ricciardi, who does not spare stabs at the founder of Forza Italia. After the premise of “personal condolences due to the family and community of Forza Italia”, Ricciardi however states: “One year later, since we must respect this place and who we are, we cannot avoid expressing our position on its historical and political figure and we must do it today as we always did when he was alive legacy politically and morally is disastrous“.


“We believe it is not There has never been a Prime Minister in a Western country convicted of tax fraudthus legitimizing all tax evaders to feel unpunished”, adds Ricciardi. Berlusconi, insists the M5s deputy, always among the centre-right protests“has polluted the relationship between politics and the judiciary and so we want to understand what Berlusconi’s political and liberal revolution was, I want to know what Berlusconi’s reform was, because” for him “the fault has always been with others: with his allies or of the judges or of the media system which however was completely at his service and we do not accept the beatification of those who “had dealings with” the Mangano mafioso. We accept the message left to all women… we do not accept the debasement fact of Parliament, a Parliament forced by him to vote that Ruby was Mubarak’s niece”.


Tajani’s reply: “People respect each other”

“Certainly in politics it is thereI welcome criticizing my opponents. Berlusconi was also critical of his opponents’ ideas and proposals, even in a firm manner, but he never failed to do so respect towards the political opponent. Never, not even once. This is the great lesson in every democracy. We fight ideas, not men who think differently. This is the beauty of democracy”, replied Tajani. “Silvio Berlusconi – the deputy prime minister and FI secretary then points out – had a high sense of institutions. He also participated in the last Draghi government, of which – he points out – he was part of the 5 Star Movement. If it was good then, I don’t see why it’s not good now. If the moral judgment was so negative – she reiterates – I don’t see why we should agree to be together.”

By Editor

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