The parliamentary doctor's diagnosis and is it possible to be burned in front of the Government without a political background?

There is also we don’t talk about that, because we don’t know anything about it. And we don’t know, because it didn’t happen to us. Namely, there is that which we cannot find out about in the neighborhood and from friends, which we do not learn about in school and college, which we cannot find out anything about from good books. In fact, the only thing you can learn about from good books is not to talk about it.

In front of the Government building, on Markovo trg, a man burned himself alive. In the short history of self-immolation, the first thing that comes to mind is Jan Palach, then we remember that Buddhist monk Thích Quáng Đúc, from the time of the war in Vietnam, and then the Briton Graham Bamford, who set himself on fire in front of the House of Commons of the British Parliament on April 29, 1993 , protesting against their country’s refusal to help people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mohamed Bouazizi, a Tunisian street trader, set himself on fire, and his name started a series of failed and vilified Arab revolutions. All four died in agony, and the gesture of each of them entered the world’s social, cultural and political history. However, some other people were also burned, whose names, due to circumstances, are not remembered, although their protest was also clearly articulated.

In every of these famous and unknown people, there was, apart from the socio-political revolt or grief due to circumstances within the community, something else that led him to his death. And such an unimaginably terrible death, which occurs by self-immolation. But people are decent, people believe in God, in destiny, in something that leads them to enter into the reasons and motives of those who have surpassed them so much with their suffering. People are silent, because they are afraid that what they say will not come back to them with evil. They are silent also because it is simple to talk about what they know nothing about. They are silent also because silence in the face of another person’s suffering is the greatest thing we have. We try to protect him with silence. Like soccer players who surround a teammate who died of a heart attack on the field, so that other people would not be able to photograph him dying.

This morning on the Jutarnji List portal, I saw a photo of the “Buktinja Man”. I quickly flew through other portals: this picture was not there. Soon, fortunately, it was removed from Jutarnji. The photo, as it seemed to me, was taken with a mobile phone, from the window of one of the surrounding buildings. Or maybe not. Maybe it was taken by a professional photographer, that’s his job. My friend, the most important peacetime and wartime photographer of Sarajevo, Milomir Kovačević Terrible, he took photographs during the entire war, every day, he took pictures of shell explosions that would hit the house in front of him, he took pictures of the streets where fire and lead were just raining down, he took pictures of absolutely everything, and he was wounded while taking pictures. , but he didn’t photograph blood, wounded and torn people, he didn’t photograph the dead. Therefore, he did not shoot what was most attractive from the point of view of the war photographers and videographers of the time. I wouldn’t object to a photographer who acted differently, but maybe it’s not important to extinguish a living flame, but to photograph it. Although there is also an affect, there is a moment before the moment in which we think, or in which we feel that something has hurt us. Maybe at that exact moment a professional photographer took a photo, and maybe at that exact moment someone published that photo on an electronic news page.

Thing, I think, has a sequel. Mrs. Gordana Štajminger is a doctor, with an office in Opati&ccaronka Street, and For thirty-three years, he has been taking care of the health of parliamentarians and members of the Government, and other high-ranking officials, whose offices are located on Markovo trg. In an earlier interview with 24sata, she talked about how she observed President Franjo Tuđman, and how she had nervousness while doing so. The polyclinic, which he owns and where he practices, specializes in internal medicine, neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation. Mrs. Štajminger, we can be sure of that, is very good in the part of the medical affairs she deals with, because the most powerful and well-to-do people in the country would not have used the services of her trade and profession for so many years. We should not doubt anything else: Mrs. Štajminger’s professional and material status, existential security, and material well-being are in the closest relationship with ministers, parliamentarians, constitutionalists and judges… There is no doubt that the benefit and gratitude are mutual. .

Mrs. Štajminger took the Hippocratic Oath once upon a time, in the full text of which, among others, it is stated: “Into whatever house I enter, I will work for the benefit of the sick, and I will stay away from willful harm.” living, and especially the seduction of women and men, slaves and free. Whatever I find out or see in my work, and in other ways, in dealing with people, as long as it is not allowed to be known publicly, I will keep silent and keep it a secret. If I keep this oath and if I don’t break it, may my life and people’s reputation be happy until distant times; if I break this oath and swear falsely, may the opposite befall me.” These words turn the medical craftsman and healthcare craftsman into a devotee, a monk of his profession, for whom the sick and their relatives have such and such respect.

Ms. Štajminger found herself on Markovo trg at the time of the man’s self-immolation, and not only did she describe the event in detail, how his eyeglass frames melted, but she spoke about what she “found out through her work (…) either she saw, or in “interacting with people” she found out what “must not be known publicly”, and about which she previously swore to “keep silent (…) and keep it a secret”. According to the newspaper, let’s say it’s written in the National newspaper, she said this about the victim: “It’s about a man who is a gambler, failed at gambling, a woman reported him, mentally disturbed”, and added that she thought that the case “does not have a political background” Boris Vlaši was the first, and for a long time the only one, to comment on her words, in Jutarnji list, under the title: “The parliamentary doctor did something unacceptable today – she dehumanized č a man, she took away his right to humanity!” For some time, other news portals accepted Vlaši’s tone and interpretation, but suddenly her statement disappeared, and the media heroization of Mrs. Štajminger and her medical team began, because they helped the victim.

One thing you need to know to begin with: it is completely irrelevant how Mrs. Štajminger “knows” that he is her patient – and he became her patient when her team, as we read in Veernji list, “was the first (… ) provided medical assistance. to a 57-year-old man” – “a gambler, lost in gambling”, that he was “psychologically disturbed” and also that “his wife (…) reported him”, because he was already the fact that she speaks against elementary humanity, not to mention the content and meaning of the Hippocratic Oath. But her “opinion” that the case “does not have a political background” leads us to think about the reasons and origin of her “opinion”.

First, what This is what Mrs. Štajminger wanted to tell us when she said that without a political background, anything that happened in Markov Square, that little Croatian Kremlin, where all forms of life, apart from the Government, Parliament, the Constitutional Court and (maybe) a church, under ban? Does Ms. Štajminger really think that someone can come to St. Mark’s Square, stand in front of the Government, pour inflammable liquid on themselves, and burn themselves without having a political background? What other background, it would be valuable for us to find out from the lady, does the Government of the Republic of Croatia have a background other than political ones, or what other background does a Croatian citizen have, even if he is distraught, even if he is, as she puts it, “a gambler, failed in the cube”, “psychologically disturbed”, since registered, can be seen in the Government of the Republic of Croatia, apart from political backgrounds? Except maybe, if he has been in a productive and very profitable business relationship with the Government, the Parliament, the Constitutional Court for practically his entire working life?

There should be no doubt that Mrs. Štajminger’s health and medical profession will come out of all this unscathed. If she feels hurt, the lady will sue the journalists who did not allow themselves to be disciplined, or their outrage at what she said about her hot patient was stronger than the understandable fear of the court. which, in the case of the case, will undoubtedly assess the needs in favor of the wounded lady’s soul and her broken bones. And all the best with her and her distinguished patients. The rest can burn on pyres that they (still) light themselves.

That which however, it is important for an ordinary citizen, after all, close to the citizen who burned himself, that he is aware of the fact that the doctor is obliged by oath, as a person and as a human being, to They take care of the life and health of the people around them, and at the same time take into account their dignity and humanity. Otherwise, namely, it cannot. Likewise, there is that which cannot be talked about, because nothing can be known about it. Let’s say suicide. But a man will not burn himself because of gambling debts, especially not in front of the Government, opposite the Parliament and next to the Constitutional Court, in a place where he will be dehumanized in order to preserve the moral integrity and untouchability of all present. Even if it were possible – and let’s repeat: it’s not possible! – self-immolation on St. Mark’s Square without a political background, from the words of the parliamentarian, government, constitutional court physician, such a background necessarily arose.

By Editor

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