Serious accident in Gütersloh: Biker (35) crashes into slurry tractor – dead! | Regional

Gütersloh – Horror crash on Saturday afternoon in Verl near Gütersloh (NRW)! A motorcyclist crashed into a slurry tractor. The biker (35) died at the scene of the accident.

According to police, the motorcyclist was driving behind the tractor on a country road at around 4:30 p.m. When the large machine slowed down, the biker failed to notice that the tractor driver (38) was turning left to drive into a field.

The 36-year-old crashed into the back of the slurry trailer without braking. The force of the impact knocked the man off his motorcycle and hurled him onto the road.

Numerous rescue workers rushed to the scene of the accident. A rescue helicopter also landed in a nearby field. But help came too late for the man. Emergency doctor could only confirm his death. The tractor driver suffered shock in the collision. He was not injured.

The crash caused severe damage to the tractor’s trailer. Several liters cannonball were scattered among the debris on the street. A cleaning company had to clean the street.

Investigators from an accident investigation team of the police secured evidence at the scene of the accident until the evening hours. The country road remained closed for hours.

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