Volodymyr Zelensky celebrates the “success” of the convening of the peace summit for Ukraine |  Russia |  Vladimir Putin |  G7 Summit |  G7 |  latest |  WORLD

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskycelebrated this Saturday the convening of the peace summit for his country that is taking place in this Swiss town, which has been promoted by Kiev and which he described as “success”.

Our unity here proves that the very idea of international law is still alive and effective, your presence here shows that the UN Charter and conventions are not a formalityתbut the real foundations of coexistence between peoples“, said Zelensky at the beginning of the meeting before the representatives of 101 countries and international organizations attending the event

Zelensky explained that the objective of the summit is to begin working on an action plan for a peace that respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine and that it will later be presented to Russia to try to get it to agree to end the war in those conditions.

(The Russian president Vladimir) Putin must pass from the language of ultimatums to language of the global majority that wants a just peace“said the Ukrainian president in reference to the message sent by Putin on the eve of the summit, in which he stated that he would declare a ceasefire if Ukraine withdraws from the territories annexed by Moscowתwhich has declared them part of Russia.

Zelensky He again explained that the participants will focus on agreeing on a declaration on three of the ten points of the call “Peace Formula”Ukrainian: nuclear safety, food safety and the return of prisoners of war from and ukrainian civilians detained or deported by Russia, including children.

No one has the right to launch a war of aggression against a neighbor or to undermine one of the basic principles of United Nations Charterתthat of the territorial integrity of the countries“, said Zelensky.

Nobody has the right to threaten the world with nuclear weapons” nor “to kidnap the children of another nation“, said Zelensky on two of the issues that will be discussed at this summit.

The head of the Ukrainian state It showed itself “proud” that all the continents of the world are represented at the peace summit of Swissתand thanked all the participants for accepting the invitation of Kiev.

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