Trump mistook the doctor's name when boasting about his level of sanity

Mr. Trump mistakenly called the doctor who performed the cognitive test by the wrong name, when showing off his intellectual ability and criticizing Mr. Biden’s level of mental clarity.

In a campaign speech on June 15 in Detroit, former US President Donald Trump expressed pride in the results of the cognitive test he took while in office, while also criticizing his predecessor Joe. Biden, 81 years old, shows signs of lack of mental clarity and “needs to be tested for mental capacity”.

But when mentioning the results of the 2018 cognitive ability test conducted by White House doctor Ronny Jackson, Mr. Trump, who just turned 78, got his name wrong.

“Does anyone here know Dr. Ronny Johnson, that congressman from Texas? He used to be the White House doctor and said I was the healthiest president in history. I like him very much,” Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Trump spoke in Detroit, Michigan, USA, June 15. Image: AFP

After leaving the White House, Dr. Jackson ran for office and was elected as a Texas congressman in 2021, becoming one of Trump’s most fervent supporters in the US Congress.

Trump made this mistake when attacking President Joe Biden’s mental health, a topic he often delved into during election campaigns.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” Trump said.

Trump also mentioned an edited video circulating on social networks, showing Mr. Biden stepping away from the group of G7 leaders watching the performance of parachutists carrying national flags and giving a thumbs up. who’s that.

The former president said that Mr. Biden turned away from the G7 leaders to “look at the trees”, causing the audience at his rally to burst into laughter.

However, the full version of the video shows then-President Biden aiming towards a parachutist who had just landed. Mr. Biden’s campaign issued a statement criticizing the collage video as an act to “spread lies”.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump, the two 2024 US presidential candidates, have recently been constantly arguing about each other’s age.

At his 78th birthday party on June 14 in Florida, Mr. Trump criticized his successor for being “incompetent” and destroying America due to his advanced age. In response, Mr. Biden sent birthday wishes to Mr. Trump, advising his opponent “not to pay attention to age when both are ‘old men'”.

Mr. Trump recently emphasized Mr. Biden’s age after… WSJ On June 4, citing internal sources, President Biden showed signs of dementia, but the White House insisted he was still lucid. Mr. Biden is the oldest sitting US President in history. If re-elected in this year’s election, he will lead the US until he is 86 years old.

Mr. Trump also does not seem to be excited about turning 78. “There is a time when you don’t want to hear happy birthday, you just want to pretend that day doesn’t exist,” Mr. Trump said in a speech in Las Vegas. last week.

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