Centcom: Iranian military ignored SOS signal from Ukrainian ship hit by Houthis

The US Central Command (Centcom) has provided additional details about the Houthi strike on the Ukrainian-owned cargo ship Verbena.

As previously reported, on June 13, in the Gulf of Aden, the Yemeni group Ansar Allah attacked the Verbena cargo ship. The ship was heading from Malaysia to Italy with a cargo of wooden building materials. As a result of the attack, the cargo ship was damaged and a fire started on board. In addition, one of the sailors was seriously injured; he was evacuated by helicopter arriving from the American cruiser USS Philippine Sea. The cargo ship Verbena flies the flag of Palau and is managed by Poland.

According to Centcom, the Verbena sailors were also assisted by the crew of the Anna Meta, who carried out the evacuation.

At the same time, eight nautical miles from the Verbena was the Iranian frigate IRIN Jamaran, whose crew ignored the SOS signal from the sailors of the Ukrainian ship.

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