Alleged ISIS supporters took hostages in a Russian detention center: 'They asked for a car'

Five prisoners took two guards hostage at a detention center in the southern Russian region of Rostov and claim to be ISIS supporters, the Telegram Baz channel, which has sources in the Russian police, reported on Sunday.

The Russian Federal Prison Service announced earlier that the detainees took two employees of the investigative prison in Rostov hostage.

– The institution is working as usual, the situation is under control – reads the message of the service in the messaging application Telegram.

It is added that law enforcement agencies were called to the scene.

The Russian state news agency RIA reported, citing unidentified sources, that the detainees involved in taking employees hostage have been charged with terrorism.

Road traffic around the center is limited, Russian agencies report. The Interfax agency reported, citing unnamed sources, that the detainees demanded a car and free exit from the prison center.

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