Man jumps from balcony: Was murder attempt staged in revenge against ex? | Regional

Dresden (Saxony) – This love almost cost a vengeful man his life and put an innocent woman in jail.

During a fire in a Dresden apartment, 26-year-old Chokri A. fled to the balcony – tied to a bed frame. In fear of his life, he jumped one floor down. A video showed his desperate fight for survival.

The police then arrested the mother of his child, ex-girlfriend Nancy S. (19), and put her in a women’s prison for attempted murder. Until the investigators began to have doubts. Now the public prosecutor’s office is certain: It was all staged!

Police believed the seriously injured man

Charges have now been brought against Chokri A. and he is in custody

Photo: Private

As the authorities have now announced, charges have been brought against the 26-year-old Tunisian. He is accused of particularly serious arson and false accusation, among other things. handcuffed to the bed and started the fire.

“The accused is in custody. He has no previous convictions and denies the charges,” explained senior public prosecutor Jürgen Schmidt. Nancy S. has since been released from custody.

Nancy S. was arrested shortly after the crime and innocently remained in a women’s prison

Photo: Olaf Rentsch

After the crime in November 2023, she was initially considered the main suspect. The version of the seriously injured man seemed credible and the young German was already known to the police for minor offenses. Believing that she was on the run, officers arrested them. Chokri A.’s perfidious plan seemed to be working.

He jumped from the balcony with the bed

But then the murder investigators began to have doubts. According to BILD information, the tolerated asylum seeker became increasingly entangled in contradictions during the interrogations. Apparently he only wanted to put his ex-girlfriend in prison out of revenge and then gain custody of his daughter (1).

Desperate fight in videoMan tied to bed jumps from balcony

Those: BILD

In November he is said to have been in the shared apartment in Dresden finally handcuffed himself to the bed. He then set the fire, but apparently underestimated how quickly the flames would spread.

He fled to the balcony with the bed frame, then jumped onto the lower, projecting balcony one floor below. He was able to free himself from one handcuff, but the other one remained chained to the metal frame of the bed.

With this handcuff, Chokri A. (25) was tied to the bed frame

Photo: Roland Halkasch

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