Another war in Europe?  This is the country that is preparing for the scenario of a Russian attack

The Danish government appealed to its citizens to prepare for an attack or other crisis by stockpiling water, food and medicine, as well as by keeping iodine pills at home. The growing threat from Russia has led the Danish authorities to increase their preparedness and instruct citizens to take similar measures.

Danish Minister of Defense, Trolls Lund Fulsen, stated in a speech at the country’s annual democratic convention that “the reality is that Denmark and its allies are threatened by hybrid warfare.” He added: “Each of us should prepare for the possibility that for a short period of time, we will be without access to electricity or water, or we will not be able to purchase basic products.”

The recommendations include storing non-perishable food that does not require an oven or stove for preparation, as well as at least 9 liters of water per person, enough for three days. Citizens should also prepare for power outages by keeping batteries, flashlights, and candles close at hand, and be able to keep warm without a central heating system.

The authorities also recommend that citizens under the age of 40 keep iodine pills at home in case of a nuclear accident, although it is “very unlikely” that they will be needed, according to To Ayla Reinberg, head of Denmark’s Emergency Management Agency. She also called on the Danes not to panic and to gradually accumulate the necessary supplies.

The directives come after Denmark earlier this month raised the threat level of devastating cyberattacks against companies and authorities, arguing that Russia is showing an increasing willingness to take risks to carry out hybrid attacks.

By Editor

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