“Adopt principles of civilized nations”

In an interview at the Peace Summit in Ukraine, held in Switzerland, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky once again criticized the governments of Brazil and China.

While Brazil only sent ambassador Claudia Fonseca to the event and did not sign the joint declaration calling for the safety of nuclear and maritime transit, China did not send representatives because Russia was not invited.

“Once Brazil and China adopt the principles that have united us today as civilized nations, we will be happy to hear their points of view, even if they differ from the majority of the world,” Zelensky said.

In addition to Brazil, which participated as an observer at the summit, countries such as India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, which maintain strong trade relations with Russia, also refused to sign the document. On the other hand, more than 80 nations accepted the joint statement.

The Ukrainian president considered the summit “a success” because it highlighted the importance of independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Brazil-China Agreement to end the War

In May, the governments of Brazil and China reached an agreement for a political and peaceful solution to end Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“China and Brazil support an international peace conference held at an appropriate time that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation from all parties, as well as a fair discussion of all peace plans”, they point out in the agreement .

Both Chinese and Brazilians also support the exchange of prisoners of war between Ukraine and Russia and express opposition to the use of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear, chemical and biological, as well as condemning attacks on nuclear power plants and other peaceful nuclear facilities.

By Editor

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