One in three French people wants a victory for National Rally, Marine Le Pen’s party

France divided like never before and with 50 percent of its population “concerned” about a triumph of lepenism in the unexpected legislative elections, unleashed when President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly after being defeated in the European elections. One in two French people is worried about a victory for Marine Le Pen’s party.

One in three French people wants a National Regrouping victorythe party demonized by Marine Le Pen and received from Jean Marie, his xenophobic father. One in four French people wants a victory for the Popular Front, the group of socialists, communists, France Insoumise, environmentalists and labor unions, who united to face a republican vote.

According to a survey by Elabe for BFMTV and La Tribune Dimanche, the French surveyed lean first towards the National Regrouping for the legislative elections, then towards the left-wing Popular Front and finally towards the Macronist presidential majority.


On Sunday applications were closed to appear in the June 30 elections and the July 7 runoff.

As early legislative elections approach, voters must choose between the three main political blocs that structure the campaign and soon, the National Assembly: the presidential majority and its supporters, the left alliance and the extreme left that took the name of New Popular Frontand finally the camp of the National Regrouping and its allies.

Marine Le Pen greets followers. Photo: Reuters

Elabe’s survey for BFMTV and le Journal du Dimanche shows that one in three French people (32%) say they want a victory for the National Rally In the elections. One in four (26%) say they want a victory for the leftist alliance, the New Popular Front, and one in five (17%) want the Renaissance to win and a presidential majority. 25% of those surveyed say they have no opinion.

Of the voters who voted for The Republicans, (LR) and/or for the list led by François-Xavier Bellamy, 58% wanted Renacimiento and its allies (Macron’s party) to have a majority of deputies at the end of the elections and 29% for the National Regrouping.

“Half the country” worried

At the same time, the prospect of a victory for the National Regrouping generates “concern” for 50% of French people surveyed“satisfaction” for 30% and “indifference” for the remaining 20%.

This concern is stronger among left-wing and Renaissance voters (81% to 93%) than among Republican voters (61%).

It was a sample of 1,502 people representative of residents in mainland France aged 18 and over. The representativeness of the sample was ensured using the quota method applied to the following variables: sex, age, profession, region and urban category.

Demonstration against the extreme right in Paris. Photo: Bloomberg

The call for legislative elections has managed to enrage the traditional political class, which considers the dissolution of the National Assembly an act carried out “at the worst time and under the worst circumstances.”

Le Pen has worked to dediabolize her father’s National Front, to separate herself from him, who has deteriorated health and has been placed under conservatorship. She has polished her speech to conquer workers, farmers, and even millionaires, who reject migration. Now he seeks to moderate his speech to don’t be scared in the face of chaos. He assures the French that they are not a threat to the republican order if cohabitation with Emmanuel Macron’s government comes to fruition, as the polls announce.

Sarkozy warns of chaos

Former president Nicolás Sarkozy flirted with the far right in his last electoral campaign to win votes from the then National Front. Today he has another vision .

“President Macron has brought France to the brink of chaos with his call for early parliamentary elections, which could lead to the hard right to power”said Nicolas Sarkozy.

Sarkozy told Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper: “Giving the French people the floor to justify the dissolution of parliament is a curious argument, since this is precisely what more than 25 million French people had just done at the polls. The risk is great that they confirm their anger instead of reversing it. The country is already divided and could sink into chaos from which it will have great difficulty getting out,” she warned.

Sarkozy, 69, supported Macron in the 2022 presidential elections against Le Pen. She is influential in her Republican party, despite criminal convictions, which are under appeal, for corruption and electoral financing crimes. Macron consults it periodically. But Sarkozy denied reports that he had prior knowledge of the president’s decision.

Sarkozy, the conservative president from 2007 to 2012, spoke after his successor, the socialist François Hollande will announce that he will return to politics “for the country and would run for a parliamentary seat. A clever political gesturewhich could lead him to be the moderate candidate for prime minister of the Popular Front if they win the election and cohabitation with Macron is forced.

Hollande urged all leftists to back her because the “far right” was now “closer to power than at any other time, since the liberation” of France from Nazi occupation in 1945.

As no party is expected to obtain an absolute majority of the 577 seats of parliament on July 7, the nationalist far-right has the support of sectors of conservative republicans. The party entered into crisis last week when Éric Ciotti, its leader, announced a pact with Le Pen’s camp, led in the campaign by Jordan Bardella. The party broke down.

The concern of athletes

The concern is such that the athletes of the French soccer team joined in to warn against voting against the extremes. The first was Marcus Thuram, who called not to be fooled and vote against the National Rally.

Marcus Thuram, 26, plays for Inter Milan and said: “As citizens, we have to fight so that National Regrouping does not happen.”

Kylian Mbappé has placed himself at the center of France’s political crisis, with a call to prevent extremists from taking power.

“I hope I can continue wearing the jersey with pride after July 7,” Mbappe said.

The most important player of the French team urged the French to vote against Le Pen’s “extremism”. “Defeating the National Regrouping matters more than our game,” said the best soccer player in the country while 150 athletes They condemn the “Nazi ideology” of Le Pen’s party.

Mbappé, 25, declared at the press conference: “This is a fact never seen before. And that is why I want to speak with all the French people, but also with the youth. “We see that the extremes are knocking on the doors of power and we have the opportunity to shape the future of our country.”

His words They angered supporters of the right-wing populist National Regrouping party. One of them described the forward, who has just signed for Real Madrid, as a “billionaire buffoon.”

Dozens of other renowned athletes, including Marion Bartoli, the Wimbledon-winning tennis player, have signed an open letter accusing Reagrupación of having its roots in Nazi ideology in the sports newspaper L’Équipe.

“The extreme right is deeply opposed to the construction of a democracy, a tolerant and dignified society. Let’s not forget the lessons of the past: Nazism and anti-Semitism have led to unimaginable atrocities, including genocides. The National Regrouping has its roots in these ideologies,” they wrote.

In a message posted on social media after Thuram’s remarks, but before Mbappé spoke, Julien Odoul, 39, a spokesman for Lepenism, said he was “fed up with these privileged know-it-alls, who treat the French like idiots.” “.

By Editor

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