UN says Israel could violate laws of war with its use of heavy bombs against Gaza

Points to the “high number of civilian victims” and the “widespread destruction” caused by bombings with these weapons

The United Nations has stated this Wednesday that the use of heavy bombs by the Israeli Army in the framework of its offensive against the Gaza Strip raises “serious concerns” about possible violations of the laws of war due to the “high number of civilian casualties” and the “widespread destruction” caused by these attacks.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has indicated in a report that an investigation into the use of this weapon in six bombings in the Strip raises doubts about Israel’s respect for the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution. in their attacks.

Thus, he explained that in these attacks, carried out between October 9 and December 2, 2023, bombs weighing up to nearly 900 kilograms were used against residential buildings, a school, refugee camps and a market, causing nearly 220 dead, although the toll could be “much higher.”

“The requirement to select means and methods of warfare that avoid or at least minimize harm to civilians to the fullest extent appears to have been systematically violated in Israel’s bombing campaign,” said the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, in the context of complaints against Israel for its tactics within the offensive, launched after the attacks carried out on October 7 by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

“Israel’s choice of methods and means for its actions in the framework of hostilities in Gaza since October 7, including the extensive use of explosive weapons with wide effects in densely populated areas, has failed to ensure that it is distinguished effectively between civilians and combatants,” he stressed.

Thus, he recalled that “the lives and infrastructure of civilians are protected by International Humanitarian Law” and added that “this law establishes very clear obligations of the parties in armed conflicts that make the protection of civilians a priority.” “.

The report concludes that the Israeli bombings, exemplified by these six incidents, indicate that the Israeli Army would have “repeatedly violated” the fundamental principles of the laws of war, which could also involve the commission of crimes against humanity.

In this sense, it stands out that the Israeli Army said on November 11 that until then it had attacked “more than 5,000 targets”, while the Gaza authorities, controlled by Hamas, then indicated that more than 11,000 Palestinians had been killed, whom There were around 27,500 injured and around 2,700 missing.

At that time, a spokesperson for the Israeli Army stressed that “while precision is balanced with the extent of damage, at this time the focus is on what causes maximum damage,” according to Turk’s office, which also includes some statements by another military official who described “Hamas and the residents of Gaza” as “human beasts.”


One of these attacks, carried out on December 2 in the Shujaia neighborhood of Gaza City, caused destruction on a diagonal of 130 meters, destroying 15 buildings and damaging at least fourteen others, with at least 60 dead. These bombings used bombs capable of penetrating through several cement floors and causing structures to collapse.

Furthermore, the document emphasizes that in five of these attacks no prior warnings were issued, while in three of them the Army argued that the target were people who allegedly participated in the October 7 attacks, although the UN has insisted that The presence of a commander or combatants does not turn a neighborhood into a military objective.

“While the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) say they have begun assessments of most of the incidents examined in the report, it has been eight months since the first of these extremely serious incidents occurred,” said Turk, who has stressed that “there is still no clarity about what happened or the steps towards accountability.”

“I call on Israel to make public the detailed findings on these incidents. It must also ensure thorough and independent investigations into these and all other similar incidents with a view to identifying those responsible for the violations, holding them accountable and guaranteeing the rights of all victims to truth, justice and reparation,” he concluded.

Although the report focuses on the attacks by the Israeli Army, it also states that Palestinian armed groups have carried out indiscriminate attacks with projectiles against Israeli territory, which also represents a violation of International Humanitarian Law, in addition to highlighting that these formations They have the obligation to protect civilians by avoiding placing military objectives in populated areas.

By Editor

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