Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. The signing ceremony took place during Putin’s state visit to the DPRK.

“This is a truly breakthrough document, reflecting the desire of the two countries not to rest on their laurels, but to raise our relations to a new qualitative level. This applies to the political, trade and investment, cultural and humanitarian fields, as well as the security sphere,” said the Russian head of state .

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia and the DPRK agreed to provide assistance to each other in the event of aggression against one of the countries – this is provided for in the fourth article of the treaty.

The question remains open whether the strikes that the Ukrainian army inflicts on Russian territory will be assessed as “aggression,” and what exactly official Pyongyang will do in this case.

We would like to add that the heads of state held negotiations both face to face and together with delegations. In the evening, a gala dinner will be given in honor of the Russian guest, as provided for in the protocol of state visits.

By Editor

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