The Russian authorities added TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva to the list of “terrorists and extremists”

The Russian authorities added TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva to the list of “terrorists and extremists”

Rosfinmonitoring has added TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva to the list of “terrorists and extremists,” the press service of this department reports.

On June 17, the reason why TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva, who lives outside of Russia, was put on the wanted list in the Russian Federation became known.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case for “justification of terrorism” (Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code) against former TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva. The case was opened following a denunciation by Russian State Duma deputy Andrei Alshevskikh.

In May 2024, Alshevskikh demanded that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs check “Lazareva’s statements about attacks by Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles on targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.” Initially, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not find any violations of the law in Lazareva’s words, but after an additional linguistic examination, the security forces decided that the TV presenter’s statements “contain information aimed at justifying terrorist activities.”

According to the official response to the deputy from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a criminal case against Tatyana Lazareva was opened on May 17. After this, the TV presenter was put on the wanted list in the Russian Federation.

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