Vietnam calls on China and the Philippines to exercise maximum restraint in the East Sea

Vietnam calls on China and the Philippines to exercise restraint after reports of a collision between official ships of the two countries at Co May Bank.

“Vietnam closely monitors and is deeply concerned about the information about the incident that took place on June 17 in the Second Thomas Shoal area between the Philippines and China,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Pham Thu Hang said today. , when asked to tell Vietnam’s reaction to the collision between a Chinese ship and a Philippine supply ship at Second Thomas Bank.

According to Ms. Hang, Vietnam requests that relevant parties exercise maximum restraint, behave in accordance with international law, and respect sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the nation’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. coastal areas are established in accordance with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Vietnam also requests all parties to seriously and fully implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), respect and comply with international regulations on maritime and aviation safety and collision prevention. collisions at sea, resolving disputes and differences by peaceful means, actively contributing to maintaining peace, stability and sustainable development in the region.

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang. Image: BNG

Philippine officials said on June 18 that some members of the Chinese coast guard in speedboats blocked the country’s navy boat from transporting food, water and supplies to soldiers on the ship. the old BRP Sierra Madre, used by Manila as an outpost at Second Thomas Shoal the day before.

The Philippines said the Chinese coast guard boat had “dangerous behavior, including collision and towing”, leaving at least eight Philippine sailors injured, one of whom lost his thumb. Two rubber boats were towed away by the Chinese coast guard and then left in a damaged state.

The Chinese Coast Guard was accused of obstructing and using weapons to threaten the Philippine military’s supply trip to the warship BRP Sierra Marde on June 17. Video: Philippine Army

Meanwhile, the Chinese coast guard accused the Philippines of “taking full responsibility for the incident”. They said a Philippine ship “ignored repeated warnings and dangerously and unprofessionally approached a Chinese ship that was moving normally, leading to a collision.”

China’s Foreign Ministry said the supply ship accompanied by two Philippine speedboats was trying to transport construction materials and other supplies to BRP Sierra Madre. Beijing described the Chinese coast guard’s actions as “professional, restrained, reasonable and legal”.

Location of Co May beach. Graphics: Google Maps

Second Thomas Shoal is a semi-submerged entity in the East Sea and is currently controlled by the Philippines. China also claims sovereignty over this entity.

The Philippine military used the old warship BRP Sierra Madre to bulldoze into Co May Bank in 1999 and turn it into an outpost to maintain its presence. The ship has a marine unit stationed on the ship and must depend entirely on supplies from the mainland.

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