Russia lacks strength to make 'major progress' in Ukraine, says NATO chief

Russian military forces are not in a position to make any “significant progress” in Ukraine, NATO Secretary General said on Thursday. Jens Stoltenberg,in an interview with AFP.

“We have no other indication or reason to believe that Russia has the capabilities, the strength to make major advances” into the territory of the former Soviet republic, which has been resisting a Russian invasion for more than two years,Stoltenberg declared in the interview.

The head of the military alliance considered it likely that Russia would continue to exert pressure “on the front lines” and bombing the area. “But what we saw is that the Ukrainians have managed to hold the line,” said Stoltenberg, 65.

Ukrainians “have been able to continue inflicting heavy losses on the Russian invaders,both on the front line and with deep bombardment,” he continued.

Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February 2022, achieved its biggest territorial advance in 18 months in May with a major ground offensive in the Ukraine region. Drive,in northeastern Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky,assured this month that Russian troops had since focused their attacks on the Donetsk region, in the east.

The 32 member countries of the US-led transatlantic defence alliance have again increased arms deliveries to kyiv after Washington approved a 100% aid package in April. 60 billion dollars.

The Trump factor

Stoltenberg also said he hoped the United States would remain a “steadfast ally” of NATO “regardless of the outcome” of the presidential election. November.

The possible return to the White House of Donald Trump,who went so far as to call the Alliance “obsolete” and consider withdrawing the US from the organization, is a cause of concern among its partners.

“A strong NATO is good for Europe, but also for the United States,” stressed the secretary general, who will be replaced in October by the outgoing prime minister of the Netherlands. Mark Rutte.

The CNN network will broadcast this Thursday the first debate of this campaign between the Democratic president Joe Biden and Trump, his Republican predecessor (2017-2021), practically tied in the polls.

During the campaign, Trump returned to the fray and said he would encourage Russia to do “whatever it wants” with NATO countries that don’t spend enough on defense.

“Former President Trump’s criticism have not been primarily against NATO. They have been against NATO allies for not spending enough” on defense, Stoltenberg said.

However, “that has now changed”, with 23 of 32 member countries spending at least 2% of its Gross Domestic Product to military spending, he said.

“There are never guarantees in politics, but I hope that the United States stay strong“added Stoltenberg, who was twice Norwegian prime minister.

Likewise, the perspective of a government of extreme right in France After the early legislative elections, the first round of which takes place on Sunday, is generating concern among leaders of NATO and the European Union (EU).

Asked about the dangers of disintegration of the Alliance After the American and French elections, Stoltenberg said: “We have proven that we are capable of being very resilient, because we are interested in staying together and this goes for both the United States and Europe.”

“It has been shown that, in reality, when countries have to choose (…) between remaining in NATO with the protection and security that it provides, or weakening NATO and going alone, they have chosen NATO“, he stressed. Whatever happens in the future, “I hope (the Alliance) remains strong,” he added.

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