Witten-Annen: Boy beaten and filmed at bus stop

Witten-Annen (NRW) – Once again, a video of a beating attack is circulating on social media. Once again, the victim is a defenseless child. Once again, the attackers are also children, supposedly of migrant origins and they are in the majority!


The scenes are shocking: A boy in a football jersey is standing at the bus stop in Witten-Annen (North Rhine-Westphalia). In front of him is another boy who is at least a head shorter. “Apologize!” someone calls out, outside the camera’s field of view.

Visibly intimidated, the boy in the jersey mumbles an apology to the teenager in front of him. Despite this, the teenager starts to beat up his victim, first giving him a slap in the face. The thug and another offender beat the boy with punches and kicks. The smaller of the two attackers repeatedly rams his knee into his victim’s upper body.

After the larger of the two attackers lets go of his victim, the smaller one continues to beat the boy as if in a frenzy. The larger attacker eventually comes back and hits the boy in the jersey on the head.

What is also shocking is that no one intervenes. Several other young people are present, perhaps waiting for the bus.

Die police The incident in Witten-Annen is known. “The criminal investigation department has begun an investigation,” it says in a press release. “The exact time of the recording is not known.”

The figures from the NRW crime statistics (PKS) show an increase in Juvenile delinquency: In 2023 there were NRW Around 70,000 suspects were under the age of 18. 22,500 of them were even under 14 years old.

At the beginning of June, a similar incident shocked Gerain which 20 Syrian and Afghan children beat a German (14), strangled him and only stopped when passers-by appeared at the crime scene. In February, Filipp S. (16) diedHe only wanted to mediate a dispute in the skate park in Meinerzhagen (North Rhine-Westphalia), got caught between the fronts of two youth gangs and died after a blow to the head.

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