Trump calls for the release of all the Capitol attackers after the latest Supreme Court ruling

The former president of the United States and Republican candidate for re-election, Donald Trump, requested this past Friday the release of all the Capitol attackers in January 2021 as well as the suspension of all ongoing procedures with the rest after the Supreme Court significantly limit the conditions of the obstruction of justice charges for which they were accused.

The court, which has taken a deeply conservative turn thanks to the nominations made by Trump during his time in the White House, ruled yesterday that in order to determine the charge of obstruction of justice it was necessary to show that the accused in question wanted to alter or destroy official documents, thus placing the burden of proof on the prosecution.

Right now there are 250 accused of the assault on the Capitol who are charged with obstruction, to which we must add another 52 where the accused in question was convicted only of this crime and, of this number, 27 are currently in jail, according to the Department of Justice.

On Friday, during a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, he described those imprisoned as “hostages” and demanded their immediate release. The president, accused of instigating the assault on January 6, 2021 after casting doubt on the result of his electoral defeat against Joe Biden, urged the government to “release the January 6 hostages now for everything they have been through” since then.

“They’ve been waiting for this decision for a long time,” added Trump, who said the Supreme Court’s ruling “was a great response and a very good thing for all the people who have been treated so horribly,” added the former president, who has been promising for months that he will do everything possible to annul the proceedings for the assault if he returns to the White House in November.

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