Donald Trump: Manhattan prosecutors open to postponing sentencing of former US president after Supreme Court decision | Juan Merchan | Capitol assault | Republican Party | Milwaukee | Latest | WORLD

The prosecution of Manhattan announced that it is open to “postpone“The sentence to Donald Trumpwhich was due to be announced on July 11, for concealing a payment to a former porn actress, following the Supreme Court’s decision granting her broad immunity, according to a court document.

If the judge Juan Merchant,who will have the final say, decides to postpone the date of the sentence, which means that it will probably be announced after the Republican convention, scheduled for July 15-18 in Milwaukee,where Donald Trump,already convicted, must be officially nominated as a candidate for the presidential election in November by the Republican Party.

After the decision was made, Supreme Court of the United States,On Monday, Trump’s defense team later submitted a brief to Judge Juan Merchan to request the annulment of the jury’s verdict that found Trump guilty of 34 crimes in late May for concealing the payment of $130,000 to a former porn actress so that she would not harm him in the 2016 elections.

The defense is asking for a deadline of July 10 to present its arguments, one day before Judge Merchan announces the sentence.

Although we believe that the defendant’s arguments lack merit, we do not oppose his request for leave to present them and his request to defer sentencing.“, the prosecutor points out Joshua Steinglass in a letter addressed to the judge.

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