The new Law on temporary support is coming: Children will be paid until they turn 18, here's how much they will receive

After ten year, the state changes the Law on temporary maintenance, which should lead to better protection of children to whom the parent with whom the child does not live does not pay alimony or partially pays it. It is planned to increase the amount paid by the state to a child from an average of 100 to 200 euros, and exceptionally the child will receive a reduced amount when the person liable for maintenance is awarded alimony in an amount smaller than the legal minimum. , so in that case the child will realize the difference up to that amount.

The period for payment of compensation will be extended, which means that, instead of three years, it will last until the person liable for maintenance begins to fulfill the obligation, that is, the children will have this right until they reach the age of majority, and if they reach the age of majority the child is in school, he can receive the allowance up to the age of 26 at the latest. In case of serious and permanent illness or disability, when they are not able to work, they will have the right to temporary maintenance as long as this incapacity lasts. Until now, the prerequisite for submitting a request was that the maintenance obligor did not pay alimony for more than three months from the date of submission of the enforcement proposal. With the new proposal of the law, the deadline was shortened to more than one month from the day the court decision became enforceable, and payment will be possible even if no enforcement proposal has been submitted. The deadline for processing requests is one month.

In the future, the procedure for recognizing and paying the right to temporary maintenance will be carried out by the Agency for the Insurance of Workers’ Claims, and although according to the Family Law, grandparents have an obligation to provide maintenance, they will not do so in the future. be the case. The state will demand from the parent who does not pay alimony the return of the paid money with default interest by foreclosing the account, if he does not pay, it will enable him to pay off the debt through public work. It is also new that in the event of the death of the person liable to pay alimony, the debt will not be claimed from the heirs, which are often the children who received maintenance, but the debt will be written off.

– The purpose of the law is to improve the financial security of children – said Marin Piletić, Minister of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy.

All political options support the proposed changes, and the opposition’s position is that the state is limited to the collection of temporary maintenance claims only on accounts, and if the enforcement is unsuccessful, it is offered to debt repayment replaces public service. They wonder why the state does not go for the option of foreclosing companies, property or movable property of greater value, for example expensive cars or boats, for those who do not pay alimony, but instead the state has to foreclose on them. .

– For those who have businesses or property, we have just enabled public work. If they cannot pay or do not have the funds, then they will be obliged to pay off the debt. Therefore, those who think that they will be able to travel on yachts will definitely have the obligation to return this debt to the state and to their children – explained the minister.

The opposition is reserved according to the idea of ​​transferring the recognition and payment of the right to temporary maintenance from the regional offices of the Croatian Institute for Social Work to the Agency for the Insurance of Worker’s Claims, and they are interested in whether there are enough people in that agency to take over that job.

– The agency has enough people. They do this regularly and for the insurance of labor claims, for hundreds, sometimes even thousands of workers who did not receive a salary. Therefore, they will manage for this as well, and it is suggested that they strengthen their team, which will deal exclusively with temporary maintenance – answered the minister.

The opposition proposes that the state pays the entire amount of alimony, not just the legal minimum, and proposes to try to shorten the deadlines related to the processing of the request for temporary maintenance itself so that it is not necessary to wait two months for the compensation will come. The second reading of the Law on Temporary Maintenance in the Parliament is expected in the fall, so the new rules, which are in the interest of children, should certainly come into force by the end of the year.

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