Nicolás Maduro announces that he will restart talks with the United States next Wednesday | Venezuela | Joe Biden | Qatar | Jorge Rodriguez | Hector Rodriguez

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduroannounced this Monday that next Wednesday it will restart the dialogue process with the Government of USAafter -he said- having received proposals to resume talks for two months.

I have received the proposal for two consecutive months from the Government of the USA to re-establish conversations and direct dialogue, After thinking about it for two months, I have accepted. Next Wednesday, talks with the US will restart.“the president said on his weekly television show.

Maduro said that this new round of negotiations will be that the United States “comply with the agreements signed in Qatar and to reestablish the terms of dialogue with respect, without manipulation.”.

Furthermore, let them be public dialogues, without speculation, we will not be hiding.“, he added.

The president said that the president of Parliament, the Chavista Jorge Rodriguezwill be the representative for the Caribbean nation in this dialogue process, together with the governor of the state Miranda (norte), Hector Rodriguez.

We are going to debate and seek new agreements so that what was signed in Qatar is fulfilled. I want dialogue, I want understanding, I want a future for our relations, I want changes, yes, under the absolute sovereignty and independence of Venezuela“, held.

Since March 2022, when a White House delegation traveled to Caracas to meet with Maduro, talks between the US and Venezuela have been on and off.

Among the agreements reached was the partial lifting of US sanctions against Venezuela last October, a relief that was reversed six months later, when Caracas failed to comply – according to the Executive of Joe Biden– with what was agreed in the Barbados Agreement,signed with the opposition.

One of the breaches pointed out by the North American country is that the disqualifications of all Venezuelan opposition politicians, who are subject to administrative sanctions, such as the leader, have not been lifted. Maria Corina Machado,who cannot run in the presidential elections on July 28 due to this measure.

However, Venezuela managed – among other things – thanks to negotiations, the release of the Colombian businessman Alex Saab,identified as a front man for Maduro, who was imprisoned in Miami until last December, in exchange for the release of around thirty people classified as political prisoners by the Venezuelan authorities.

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