The Investigative Committee reports on uncovering a case of state treason, a 43-year-old contract soldier was arrested.

According to the committee, in January 2023, the junior sergeant with the title of the social network made contact with a person who is a representative of the Azerbaijani special services, disguised under a fake name on the same social network.

According to the Committee, as a result of romantic conversations, the person in question established close relations with a contract serviceman of the RA Armed Forces and recruited him. In the period from January 2023 to February 2024, the 43-year-old man transferred information containing state secrets related to his department to that person.

The Investigative Committee notes that these actions caused damage to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and external security of the Republic of Armenia.

The man was arrested on July 2 and gave a confession. Charges were presented to him, and the petition for arrest was granted.

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