The US election, on November 5, 2024, is fast approaching. But after the first televised debate between Democratic President Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump, the president’s confused speech and hesitant voice have raised doubts about his candidacy, including within his own camp. The parties have until August 7 to confirm the identity of their candidate. Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, Josh Shapiro… Who could replace the 81-year-old president in the event of a withdrawal?

Kamala Harris, the “obvious” choice

Vice President since 2021 and running mate, she appears to be the obvious choice in the event of Joe Biden’s withdrawal, whom she staunchly supports in the run-up to the presidential election. The 59-year-old former senator remains relatively popular within the Democratic Party and is the favorite in the event of a replacement, in particular because of her knowledge of the institutions and her media exposure.

Gavin Newsom, the ambitious

California Governor Gavin Newsom is among the frontrunners if Biden withdraws. Getty/Andrew Harnik Getty Images via AFP


The rising star of the Democratic Party is in the starting blocks. Gavin Newsom, governor of California, the most populous state in the country, could be a unifying option for Democrats. Aged 56, the former mayor of San Francisco is co-chair of Joe Biden’s campaign committee and one of his spokespeople. He has successively climbed the ranks within the party and makes no secret of his presidential ambitions for 2028. However, he believes that replacing Joe Biden in 2024 is out of the question. According to him, these debates on the succession of the president “are not good for our democracy.”

Gretchen Whitmer, the one Biden almost chose

Gretchen Whitmer, who was almost chosen as Biden’s vice president, could be a candidate to succeed Biden in the presidential race. Icon Sport / Andrew Roth Icon Sport

Gretchen Whitmer is close to Joe Biden, who had hesitated to make her his vice president during his current term. Governor of the State of Michigan, this 52-year-old lawyer is committed to protecting abortion rights and gun control. Popular with the Democratic electorate, she does not hide her ambitions for the 2028 presidential election, but continues to defend the candidacy of the outgoing president.

Josh Shapiro, leader of the largest swing state

Popular Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. AFP/Jessica Kourkounis AFP/Jessica Kourkounis


Governor of Pennsylvania, the largest swing state in the country, Josh Shapiro could also be an option. The 51-year-old Democrat was twice elected attorney general of Pennsylvania, and became known following the publication in 2018 of a report detailing a thousand cases of sexual abuse of minors by priests of the Catholic Church. He has also fought on the opioid crisis and sued the Purdue laboratory, manufacturer of the powerful opiate OxyContin. Like the others, he denies a potential candidacy and shows his support for Biden.

Michelle Obama acclaimed

Rumors are circulating that Michelle Obama, who is very popular in the country, is urging her to run. Icon sport

The wife of Barack Obama, elected president in 2008 and 2013, is predicted by the Ipsos institute to win in the event of a head-to-head race against Donald Trump: she could hope to obtain 50% of the votes, against 39% for the Republican. “That’s not in my plans,” she explained to American media on Wednesday.

JB Pritzker, the billionaire

The 59-year-old governor of Illinois is also among the names circulating, although his chances seem more limited. This billionaire, heir to the Hyatt hotel chain, has gained popularity thanks to his firm opposition to Donald Trump. He has called the Republican leader a “criminal, racist, homophobic and a crook.” But, like the figures mentioned above, JB Pritsker continues to support Joe Biden’s candidacy for the time being.

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