He speaks of an “absolutely early” request, legitimate “in principle”, but which raises “problems of opportunity”. Nello Musumeci opposes the “perplexities” that he finds “within the majority coalition and among the Regions of Southern Italy” to the request made by the Veneto Region to reopen the discussion table with the government for the transfer of competences on the nine matters for which the definition of the Essential Levels of Performance (Lep) is not foreseen. The letter requesting the start of negotiations, addressed to Giorgia Meloni and Minister Roberto Calderoli, was signed yesterday by the Northern League governor, five days after the promulgation of the law on differentiated autonomy, which arrived last week.

“I have some doubts – protests Musumeci – Then, of course, the head of government and the government as a whole will decide. I am for Autonomy as long as all the Regions start from the same line and I would ask Zaia to instead speed up the process that leads to the identification of the Lep which constitutes a guarantee for the disadvantaged Regions. Let’s speed up on the Lep, and then we’ll proceed”.

Governor denies rush forward

According to the reasoning made by the Minister of Civil Protection, therefore, Zaia should freeze the start of the negotiation – now allowed only on the nine matters for which the definition of the Lep is not necessary – pending the definition of the same; a long process, which, according to the forecasts, could take a year. But the Venetian governor is not having it and promptly replies to his former Sicilian colleague. “There is no rush forward. There is a law of the Italian Republic, which I have followed. The laws exist”, Zaia stresses, contacted by telephone by AGI.

“If anyone thinks that laws are being made for show, let them say so…”, continues Zaia. “This law will give rise to a great devolution, which is necessary for the country. I’ll give you an example, which concerns the Civil protection,which is delegated by the minister: thanks to this law, the president of the Region, if a disastrous event were to occur within the borders of the regional territory, could have the power to make ordinances or derogations to intervene immediately, while today he must wait for a government decree. This law serves to make life easier for citizens”.

The Russian Roulette of the Referendum

“I simply sent a letter as required by law – insists the Veneto Governor – I find it absolutely unusual that someone should have something to say about the implementation of a law. Laws are respected and applied: if someone has other views, they are placing themselves outside the democratic perimeter”. To those who ask him about the protest initiatives launched by the opposition, namely appeals to the Constitutional Court and the promotion of an abrogative referendum in the Regional Councils, Zaia replies: “The appeal is a democratic institution, if you win it it means that the law has unconstitutional aspects and we will see what happens. Just like the referendum, an instrument that I defend, absolutely legitimate, even if then if it doesn’t pass they will have wasted citizens’ money”.

“In any case – he then adds – this debate seems lunar to me, especially because it was raised by a political force that has governed for 10 of the last 15 years. Given that the PD is so obsessed with the battle against this law, they would have been more coherent if they had promoted a constitutional amendment. It’s a shame that they made the reform of Title V of the Charter to which the law on autonomy refers… In any case, the referendum is Russian roulette, we’ll see how it goes”.

The Lega secretariat also sides against the Dems. “The Democratic Party is against progress, efficiency, transparency and the reduction of waste that autonomy will bring. It doesn’t surprise us”, it is leaked from via Bellerio.

The minister corrects his aim

In the evening, the minister then clarified to ‘correct’ the shot a bit. “I said it and I repeat it. Differentiated autonomy exalts the value of cohesion and subsidiarity, makes the ruling classes responsible, stimulates the potential of the territories and frees the regions of the South from the ideological cage of the Southern question”, Musumeci began. “This is why we of the center-right voted for it, even if it was originally proposed by the center-left. The next step must be the definition of the Lep, the Essential Levels of Performance. Any other request, even if not in conflict with the law, could appear untimely. This is my opinion, as a convinced autonomist”, he then underlined.

In addition to Zaia, also the Northern League governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontanaannounced in recent days that it will ask the government to negotiate the transfer of five subjects.

How the law works

According to the Calderoli law, the executive has 60 days to evaluate the Venetian request “also for the purpose of identifying the necessary financial resources to be allocated”. At that point, the negotiation between the State and the Region begins, also with the communication to the Chambers and to the State-Regions Conference.

It is not yet clear who could lead the negotiations for the government. During the government of Paolo Gentiloni, the negotiations that led to the preliminary agreements signed with the Regions (Emilia Romagna, Veneto, and Lombardy), in February 2018, were managed by the undersecretary with responsibility for Regional Affairs, Gianclaudio Bressa. But even if the negotiations were physically led by Calderoli, it is presumable that the Prime Minister will want to be constantly informed and, as with all ‘hot dossiers’, carefully follow the evolution of the negotiations.

By Editor

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