Joe Biden’s team wonders: was his health condition deliberately hidden from them?

After the debate between him and the former president Donald Trump,it was reported in “Axios” today (Saturday) that part of the team of the current president, Joe Biden, wondering if the president’s deterioration was deliberately hidden from them. Those staffers wondered why people who would normally have access to the president were excluded, and assumed it was because Biden was a private person who was more comfortable with his family.

After the confrontation, it was reported, those staff members see things differently. They feel it was just an effort to hide the alarming health condition and looking back, they share with the “Axios” reporter that “Biden needed help, remembering people or events, and getting enough rest to deal with turbulent or big moments.”

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Presidential researcher Martha Kumar told Axios that there is data showing Biden has given about a third of the number of official press conferences and interviews former President Trump has given at this point in their first term — the fewest official press conferences of any president since Ronald Reagan. Therefore, it can be said, according to the newspaper, that there were preliminary signs. Biden gave far fewer difficult interviews than his predecessors, and usually these were friendly questions.

This, following the criticism published among various media sites about the interview that Biden gave for the first time after the confrontation. The president said in an interview that he does not believe the polls that show that Trump is leading him, claimed that what happened on the eve of the confrontation did not constitute any health problem, refused to comment on whether he would undergo a cognitive or neurological examination and noted that no one from his party told him that he should retire: “Only if God himself comes down and says For me to retire – I will do it,” he said.

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