Instead of 6 months, he walked immediately after the operation: The doctors are in shock, they call me Schumacher!

I don’t meet that ever in my life something awakened such emotions as when Karlo squeezed my hand after the operation. It was no longer that limp, lifeless hand. It was a real hug that showed me that everything we had hoped for had come true, said Sandra Kolar, Karl’s mother.

Let’s remind you, Karlo Kolar (23) from Pakra, who two years ago after a serious traffic accident was left almost immobile and was operated on at the Verita Neuro clinic in Bangkok on June 10 of this year, is recovering well, and after only four weeks of exercise and therapy there are visible and concrete developments. Thanks to implanted epidural spinal neurostimulators and stem cell treatments, but also due to Karl’s will and persistence, he can move his arms and legs again. Specifically, he can lift both legs off the floor and move his arms left-right and up-down, and the medical team is currently based on the strength of his fists. Karlo also strengthened his trunk, so now he can, without the stimulation involved, lean forward and back, which he could not do before.

His spinal cord is being restored

– He only has problems with muscle cramps, but the doctors told us that this is completely normal and that they expected it. They explained to us that this is a sign that the spinal cord is being restored, and it is being restored thanks to the stem cell treatment that Karlo received, which works to restore the spinal cord and accelerate the recovery of motor and sensory functions – said Sandra. She added that, however, no one expected such a big shift as Karlo was witnessing.

– Recovery is individual from patient to patient, but Karlo made rapid progress. Otherwise, patients with such a diagnosis reach this type of walking only after six months of exercise and therapy. Doctors admire him and call him Schumacher. And that suits him. Karlo really behaves as if he is preparing to lead the race of life – laughs the delighted mother. However, he does not hide that it is hard for them.

At 5 p.m., he just collapses into bed

– It doesn’t occur to us to complain, but if it’s easy, it’s not. Especially Karl. The day is completely filled. In the morning we have mapping, then physical therapy and then mapping again. All this takes hours. Karlo just collapses into bed at five in the afternoon and doesn’t get up until the next day. It’s the same with me. But we both have an incredible will and strength to do everything right. We constantly encourage each other and enjoy every moment of Karl’s progress. He never gave up, and now, when he sees how far he has come, he is now ready to go through the wall just to achieve the maximum – revealed Sandra. And the maximum that is possible to achieve and that Karlo will surely achieve with dedicated work is complete independence. The doctors told them that this could be achieved in three to four years. Until then, Karlo has to train hard every day and return to Thailand a few more times.

– We will return to Croatia on July 29, after which there will be a continuation of therapy and exercises according to the program that we will receive in Bangkok. Then in six months we will return to Bangkok again for body reprogramming and a new stem cell treatment. Reprogramming means that after practicing the same exercises for a while, everything needs to be raised to a higher level because they are no longer enough. “We heard that the clinic has its own people in Europe who could reprogram him, but we still have to go back because of the stem cells,” said the mother. A 12-hour flight and a three-hour wait between flights await them in Croatia. They are not worried in the least.

The humanitarian action is still ongoing

– What we have been through, the way back will be the least of our problems – Sandra is brave and thanks all the good people who made it possible for her son to get a new life.

However, the humanitarian action for Karl is still not over. So far, a total of 153,000 euros has been collected, and by the end of the month, the clinic in Bangkok must pay the remaining amount of 15,000 euros.

Let us remind you that thousands of people from Croatia joined the humanitarian action for Karl, and Zvonimir Boban, Zlatko Dali, Ognjen Vukojevi also gave him support. and many other famous athletes.

We also invite all of you, people of good will, to help collect the necessary amount with donations in accordance with your possibilities by making payments to this account:

Josip Hudoba, Ulica kralja Tomislava 49, 34552 Badljevina, IBAN: HR1223400093511208147 – Special purpose account, Reference: Karlo Kolar humanitarian aid, SWIFT address (BIC) of Privredna banka Zagreb dd: PBZGHR2X

By Editor

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