The municipal court once again ordered that the Albanian woman defend herself from freedom: ‘Our pain and sadness are becoming unbearable’

Katarina (19) and Stjepan (20) Đerek died in April, when Klevica Ymeri (29), who was driving her BMW SUV, crashed into their VW Golf. At the time of the impact, Stjepan was driving 40 kilometers per hour. Klevica 90. Stjepan and Katarina were returning home to Gradac after Katarina’s classes had ended, and Ymera overtook her illegally, ran into the scissors and crashed into the unfortunate brother and sister. They died on the spot. The Đerek family warns that the speed reached during the impact is not the speed they were actually driving. So Stjepan drove 90 kilometers per hour, according to the limit, and Klevica allegedly drove 170 kilometers per hour.

Ymeri was arrested immediately after her release from the Dubrovnik hospital and was sentenced to one month’s detention, which was extended in the meantime. The defense requested that after three months of pre-trial detention, she be released with a bail of 70,000 euros and daily reporting to the Dubrovnik police. Also, he must not leave the city.

DORH appealed that decision to the county court, however, due to significant violations of the criminal procedure, that court sent the case back for repeated proceedings.

– Our family and community are facing an injustice that is difficult to understand and even more difficult to accept. The recent decision of the county court, which sent the case back for retrial due to significant violations of the criminal procedure, gave us hope that justice would finally be served. However, the repeated decision of the Municipal Court in Dubrovnik to defend the acquitted woman on bail struck us again. This decision is not just a legal formality, it is a blow to our faith in a system that should protect the innocent and punish the guilty. Our pain and sadness become unbearable when we see how justice eludes us, while the responsibility for the death of our loved ones is diluted in court procedures – their brother Viktor Dstrok;erek wrote on social networks.

They are organizing a protest in front of the courthouse in Dubrovnik, which will take place on Tuesday, July 30, at 10:30 am.

– We are organizing this protest because we cannot allow the accused to await his verdict in freedom, considering the risk of escaping via numerous migrant routes. Justice must be served and those responsible must bear the consequences of their actions. This is our fight for Kata and Stipa, but also for all those whose lives were lost due to negligence and irresponsibility, and whose suffering was neglected. We must ensure that such tragedies do not go unaddressed and never happen again. Your presence at the protest is key. Every step you take, every word you sayč and the support means a lot to us. Together we can raise awareness of the importance of traffic safety and the need to obey the law. Together we can ensure that justice is served. We ask all participants to hold the protest with dignity and peace, just like the first time. We clearly emphasize that we do not want to invite or provoke violence, insults or any forms of hatred, nationalism or discrimination. Our strength lies in the peaceful and dignified expression of our demands. Thank you all for being with us in these difficult times – wrote Đerek with a photo of Kate and Stipe and the message ‘How much are two ž lives worth? How much is the amount of one guarantee worth?’.

By Editor

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