The Russian Ministry of Justice has updated the register of “foreign agents”

The Russian Ministry of Justice has updated the register of “foreign agents” by including the publication “BILD na russkogo”. The register of “foreign agents” also includes political scientist Ilya Matveyev, Meduza reports.

The Justice Ministry’s statement says that “BILD in Russian” disseminated “false information” about decisions by Russian authorities, as well as “false information” about the Russian Armed Forces. The publication, according to the Justice Ministry, opposed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and participated in the dissemination of materials from other “foreign agents.”

The registry entry for project participants lists journalist Maxim Kurnikov, a former host of the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

According to the Justice Ministry’s statement, Ilya Matveyev spoke out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and participated as a respondent on an information platform provided by an organization declared “undesirable” in Russia. The department also calls the political scientist a participant in a project included in the register of “foreign agents.”

Bild is the largest German newspaper. The “BILD in Russian” project is a Russian-language YouTube channel (333 thousand subscribers) and a Telegram channel (almost 59 thousand subscribers).

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