Trump tells Netanyahu there could be World War III

Former US President and Republican candidate for the White House, Donald Trump, criticized Democrats on Friday (26) in a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the New York magnate’s residence at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Before heading to the southern United States, Netanyahu gave a speech on Wednesday (24) in the US Congress and on Thursday (25) he met in Washington with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump’s likely opponent in the November election.

In that meeting, the Democrat told the Israeli prime minister that she “will not remain silent” about the deaths of civilians in the Gaza Strip, where Israel is waging a war against the terrorist group Hamas.

Trump allowed journalists to follow the start of the meeting with Netanyahu and, according to information from the American broadcaster CBS and the Israeli newspaper Times of Israel, said he found Kamala’s comments “disrespectful”.

“They haven’t been very kind to Israel. I don’t know how a Jewish person could vote for her, actually. But that’s up to them. But she’s certainly been disrespectful to Israel, in my opinion,” the Republican said.

Trump said that a victory for him in November could prevent “a Third World War.”

“If we win, it will be very simple. Everything will work out very quickly. If we don’t win, we will all be faced with major wars in the Middle East and perhaps World War III. We are closer to World War III now than we were at any time during World War II. We have never been this close because there are incompetent people running our country,” he said.

In his speech to the US Congress, Netanyahu called for more US help to help Israel “finish the job faster” in Gaza and praised both Biden, calling him “a proud Irish-American Zionist,” and Trump.

The prime minister thanked him “for all the things he has done for Israel, from recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights to confronting Iran’s aggression, recognizing Jerusalem as our capital and moving the American embassy there.”

By Editor

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