Anti-Trump demonstration in Times Square to the tune of Aretha Franklin

In Times Square, in the heart of Manhattan, the first anti-Trump demonstration in the name of Aretha Franklin. About a hundred people gathered to denounce the authoritarian plan of “Project 2025”, the manifesto that explains how America will have to change with the return of Donald Trump to the White House.

Slogans about abortion and against “Christian nationalism” and the risk of dictatorship. On the stage of the representatives of civil rights, a singer who performed the national anthem but with lyrics revised in terms of rights, and a drag queen who performed to the tune of “Freedom” by Aretha Franklin.

About twenty meters away there was a Trumpian sit-in but the police and the security service kept the two groups at a distance, under the curious and amused gazes of the tourists who crowded the famous square.

By Editor

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