Senior American officials: The IDF has reached the end of its journey in Gaza
The officials who spoke with the New York Times said that “Israel has achieved everything it can militarily in the Strip” • According to them, Israel will never be able to completely eliminate the terrorist organization • The officials emphasized: Israel’s operation in Gaza “caused great damage” to Hamas – more than They predicted in the US at the beginning of the war
Against the background of the summit in Qatar: “The IDF has reached the end of its journey in Gaza,” senior American officials told the New York Times this morning (Thursday). “Israel has achieved everything it can militarily in Gaza,” they added. According to those sources, the IDF’s attacks in the Gaza Strip are increasing the risks to civilians, while “Israel’s possibility of further weakening Hamas has decreased.”The American newspaper also quoted security officials in the American government as saying that the IDF has hit Hamas hard – but “will never be able to eliminate the terrorist organization completely.”

The officials added that Israel’s military operation in the Gaza Strip “caused a lot of damage” to Hamas – more than the US predicted when the war began in October. However, the officials questioned the IDF’s strategy to overwhelm Hamas with repeated raids into the Gaza Strip upon receiving intelligence: “From the beginning The war, the basic strategy of Hamas was survival – and that has not changed.”

The words of the American officials come against the background of the summit that will start today in Qatar, and will last at least two days. The Israeli delegation will go there in full force, and will also include the head of the Shin Bet Ronan Bar and the head of the Mossad Dedi Barnea. During it, the Israeli negotiating team will meet with the mediators in an attempt to reach a new deal with Hamas. A source familiar with the negotiations told News 12 yesterday: “We received a minimal maneuvering margin, we can start with it – but it is not certain that it will be enough.”

The Israeli position for the meeting is to try to agree on a maximum return of live abductees within the first phase of the deal, with the numerical requirement being 33. In the past there was talk that Israel would agree to the release of 18 live abductees in the first phase, but this time the demand will be higher.

Last night we published in the “main edition” that even before the discussions leading up to the summit, the senior officials of the American government spoke by phone yesterday with Aryeh Deri, and ministers Dermer and Gallant. In the conversation, they explained to them the connection between a deal and a ceasefire and the ability to prevent regional escalation vis-à-vis Iran and Hezbollah.

Political officials who spoke with News 12 say that “the gaps are not large and can be bridged.” Following the threats to Israel, the IDF is now on alert for the possibility that Iran and Hezbollah will try to surprise with a response right now, before the talks on the deal.

By Editor

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