Climate activists invade German airports, air traffic halted

In Germany, climate activists have invaded several airports. Nuremberg and Cologne-Bonn airports have temporarily suspended flights to remove the protesters.

The actions were organized by Letzte Generation (Last Generation), a group that often carries out disruptive actions. The activists entered several German airports, temporarily disrupting air traffic. According to the organization, the airports in question are Berlin-Brandenburg, Stuttgart, Nuremberg and Cologne-Bonn.

At Cologne Bonn Airport, air traffic had to be interrupted in the morning due to a police action as a result of the protest. According to a police spokesman, flights were also temporarily suspended in Nuremberg. The organization said that the activists “expressed their resistance in a peaceful manner” by hanging banners with the words “Oil kills” and “Sign the treaty”. “The runways were not entered,” it said.

Letzte Generation demands radical climate protection, including a complete renunciation of coal, oil and gas.

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