Kamala Harris Proposes Price Controls at Rally

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris presented her first proposals for the country’s economy on Friday (16), without, however, detailing where the resources to fund them will come from. The current vice president’s ideas also include controlling food prices.

The announcement comes a day after her opponent in the November election, Republican Donald Trump, said that Kamala plans to implement “(Venezuelan dictator Nicolas) Maduro’s (economic) plan”, “something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union”.

In a speech at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, the Democrat promised a new child tax credit of up to $6,000 for families with babies, tax cuts for families with children and lower prescription drug costs, according to Reuters.

Kamala also spoke about building 3 million new housing units in four years and about a tax incentive for builders who build homes for first-time homebuyers.

The Democrat also suggested a federal ban on “abusive pricing” for food, for which “severe penalties” would be imposed on companies that violate the established limits.

“I know most businesses are creating jobs, contributing to our economy and playing by the rules,” Kamala said. “But some are not, and that’s not right. And we need to take action when that’s the case.”

By Editor

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