Supreme Court confirms Maduro victory despite protests

After the controversial Presidential election in Venezuela the highest court in the country has Sieg by incumbent Nicolas Maduro confirmed. The judges examined the electoral authority’s material and came to the unanimous conclusion that Maduro had won the election, said court president Caryslia Rodriguez on Thursday. The decision cannot be appealed.

“The voting material examined is perfectly certified,” she said, adding that the results of the July 28 vote published by the National Electoral Council, in which Nicolas Maduro was elected president so that confirmed be.

Opposition claims victory

The Venezuelan electoral authority had given Maduro a third term with around 51 percent of votes without publishing the exact number of votes. The Opposition claimed victory for himself. In the days following the election, Protests of Venezuelans across the country and abroad demanding the resignation of Maduro and the recognition of the victory of the opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez demanded.

The protests were mainly spread via social media. Maduro recently issued a decree blocking the short message service for ten days X initiated.

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