At least 55 pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested at the Democratic Convention

On the second night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, violent clashes took place between pro-Palestinian protesters and police forces outside the Israeli consulate. At least 55 protesters were arrested in an event that the police chief defined as “a danger to our city”.

Chicago Police Chief Larry Snelling said yesterday (Wednesday) that the detainees “came with the intention of committing acts of violence and vandalism”. According to him, the police did everything in their power to calm the situation, but “there is a limit to how many calming attempts can be made before it becomes excessive repetition.”

The confrontations began a few minutes after the start of the demonstration, when some of the demonstrators, many of them dressed in black and with masks, stormed a line of policemen that blocked the march route. The protesters finally managed to get past the police, but were arrested several times during the night by police in special riot gear.

Hatem Abu Daya, co-founder of the Palestinian Community Network in the USA, placed the responsibility on the police to keep the peace. According to him, “They only have one responsibility here – not to violate our First Amendment rights.”

Snelling reported that between 55 and 60 people were arrested, and two people were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Two police officers were injured but refused medical treatment. Among those arrested were also three journalists.

The Israeli consulate has been the site of many demonstrations since the beginning of the war in Gaza in October, and the demonstrations during the democratic conference focused mainly on opposition to the war between Israel and Hamas.

Organizers rallied protesters under the slogan “Make it as big as ’68,” referring to the anti-Vietnam War protests that took place in the city during the 1968 Democratic convention. Snelling responded by saying, “It’s 2024, and the Chicago Police Department proved it. So let’s stop talking about 1968.” “.

The largest demonstration yet, which drew about 3,500 people on Monday, was largely peaceful and led to just 13 arrests. More demonstrations are planned to take place in the coming days.

By Editor

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