Vannacci: "I will withdraw the complaint if Bersani makes a public apology"

“I am available to close the case that led to the conviction of the Honorable Bersani for defamation against me if he deems it appropriate to make a public apology for the language used”. This is what he told AGI General Roberto VannacciMEP elected as an independent in the ranks of the League. “I have no personal obsession with him; however, on the part of a representative of the institutions of his level, The use of offensive language on a personal level is not tolerable which risks legitimizing and encouraging verbal violence that is alien to civil debate – he explains -. Freedom of opinion is a fundamental principle that allows the expression of ideas, even critical ones; however, foul language does nothing but offend the interlocutor, without enriching the debate or promoting the development of reasoning. It is with regret that I note how, in this and other similar circumstances, insults are accepted as an integral part of political dialectics and even advocated as a right when they are directed against those who do not share left-wing ideologies or the single thought that has been attempted to impose on our society for years”.

“That said, I offer the possibility of definitively closing this matter by committing to withdrawing the complaint, on the condition that the public apology of the Honorable Bersani is associated with a donation to an association of military and police officers who are victims of duty,” he adds. “This gesture would represent a concrete sign of will to overcome what happened as well as an opportunity to contribute to a cause of great moral value,” he concludes.

Bersani: “Vannacci should apologize to the ‘abnormal’ and he will have my apologies”

“When Vannacci has apologized to Jews, feminists, homosexuals, blacks and all the ‘abnormals’ in the world, he will also have my apologies.” Pier Luigi Bersani states.

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