Olmert and al-Kidwa present plan on Gaza’s future and two states

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and former Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Nasser al-Kidwa have presented in a joint statement a plan for the future of Gaza, the release of hostages and the future creation of a Palestinian state. The two politicians agree on the territorial solution proposed by Olmert during his term based on the 1967 borders but with land swaps to take into account Israeli settlements and Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. A Palestinian capital is planned in the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem while the Old City would be managed by a trusteeship of five states including Israel and Palestine.

Olmert and al-Kidwa agree on the need for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the creation of a Palestinian technocratic government linked to the PA. In addition, the West Bank and Gaza should prepare for elections within 24-35 months. An Arab peacekeeping force, called the Temporary Arab Security Presence (TASP), will be needed to “stabilize” the Strip, in cooperation with the Israeli military, to prevent terrorist attacks from Gaza. Added to this is a donor conference to rebuild the enclave.

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