How Hamas’ hostage killings and Benjamin Netanyahu’s hardline complicate ceasefire deal

For several months now, United States, Egypt and Qatar lead the negotiations to achieve an agreement to end the Israeli offensive and secure the release of the hostagesThese had fallen into a stalemate, but gained new momentum after the murder of six hostages last week.

“Ninety percent of this agreement has been agreed upon”but two main questions remain, a U.S. official told NBC News on Wednesday. Specifically, he mentioned that the identity of the suspects remains to be determined. Palestinian prisoners to be released in exchange for hostages that are still in Gaza and the matter of The “redeployment” of Israeli forces in the Palestinian enclave.

On this second point, Netanyahu He already reiterated on Wednesday that In no way will his troops leave the Philadelphia Runner located on the border between Gaza y Egypt and occupied by the Hebrew army in the context of the war started on October 7.

The first objective of war was to destroy the military and government capabilities of Hamas The second was to release our hostages, and the third was to ensure that Gaza Do not pose a threat to us again. Israel And those three objectives – all three – involve Israeli control of the Philadelphia Runner”, said Netanyahu at a conference with foreign press, referring to the 14-kilometer-long strip that connects the Kerem Shalom crossing with the Mediterranean Sea.

“If we want to free the hostages, we have to control the Philadelphia corridor”he added.

Hamas demands a complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from this area, and on Thursday stated that Netanyahu’s insistence on staying there “seeks to frustrate an agreement.”

The US official who spoke to NBC News said the emphasis on the Philadelphia Runner In recent public statements by Netanyahu has not been constructive.

“In my opinion, the less we talk about specific issues, the better,” “Setting out concrete positions in the middle of a negotiation is not always particularly helpful,” the official added.

By virtue of the US-proposed deal that is being discussed, For the first phase of the pact, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are supposed to withdraw from “densely populated areas”the official said. Israel argues that the border is not closed and is vital to preventing arms smuggling into Gaza.

In the second phase, the IDF is supposed to completely withdraw from Gaza.

The fate of the hostages also adds pressure to both Netanyahu like to Hamas for the signing of a truce as soon as possible.

On Saturday, the Israeli army recovered the lifeless bodies of six hostages from a tunnel in the city of Rafahin southern Gaza, one kilometer from where another hostage was rescued alive a week earlier.

According to the Ministry of Health of Israel the autopsies determined that The six hostages were shot at point-blank range and died one or two days before being found.

However, Hamas He assured that the hostages “They were killed solely by Zionist bombings,” blaming Israel and the United States.

In Israel There have been protests this week where blame has been placed on Netanyahu for the death of the six hostages for refusing to make the concessions that would allow a truce to be reached.

On October 7th, Hamas attacked Israel Surprisingly, it killed more than 1,200 people and took about 250 hostages. Israel He believes there are still 101 in captivity, including 33 who are believed to be dead.

Hamas hostages in Gaza. (AFP)

Israel’s retaliatory offensive in Gaza has killed more than 40,800 Palestinians, Most of them women and children, according to health officials in the strip.

Demonstrators stage an anti-government protest in Tel Aviv calling for action to secure the release of Israeli hostages. (Photo by Jack GUEZ / AFP)


“What Netanyahu wants is to stay in power”

The Peruvian journalist Carlos Novoaa specialist in Middle East issues, recalled The Trade that Netanyahu has already had problems with the United States in the past regarding the crisis with the Palestinians and that the latter always advances as far as it can.

“When Barack Obama took power, there was a disruption with Netanyahubut knowing that he will always have Washington as his main ally, he stretches the rope as far as he can”Novoa said.

I do not believe that the United States will impose a truce agreement on Netanyahu through pressure.. This is because Netanyahu’s main objective is to stay in power, and to do so he listens to what his political coalition decides.”Novoa noted.

“What could break the Netanyahu It is the internal protest, the internal political disputes, I mean that the thorny issue for him is more internal than external from the political point of view”Novoa added.

As for the Philadelphia RunnerNovoa said it is an important place for Palestinians in Gaza because it is an area where they can better protect themselves and seek refuge from Israeli air and ground bombardments.

“Egypt is an important player in the area, and for them preventing the massive entry of Gazans into their territory is important because it can cause an internal problem, and For Israel it is also strategic, that is why I think it will not leave the Philadelphia Corridor.Novoa emphasized.

An anti-government protest calling for action to secure the release of Israeli hostages held captive since the October 7 attacks by Hamas militants. (Photo by Jack GUEZ / AFP)


A unilateral agreement between the United States and Hamas

On Wednesday, NBC News reported that Families of American hostages are pressing the White House to consider a unilateral deal with Hamas to secure the release of their loved ones.

Five sources familiar with the matter told NBC that the president’s administration Joe Biden is weighing the option.

Both families and U.S. officials are concerned that eventually Netanyahu Do not accept an agreement with Hamas.

The United States believes that four American citizens are still alive and are still in the hands of Hamas and that the Islamist organization is holding three American bodies.

Two US sources familiar with the matter told NBC News that The Biden administration has prepared a list of prisoners held in the United States who could be of interest to Hamas as part of a deal. One of the sources said there are currently five prisoners on the list.

But another official said that A unilateral agreement is not realistic because the United States does not have enough to offer in exchange for the hostages. Hamas.

“We have considered all possible options to free the hostages and bring them home to their families. Due to Hamas’ demands, no formal offer for a deal has been made because such a deal is not possible,” the official told NBC News.

Hamas wants two things that only Israel can offer: a ceasefire and the nearly 1,000 Palestinian prisoners currently in Israeli jails. All other proposals have not yielded results because that is what Hamas is demanding in order to free the hostages.”the official added.

U.S. officials told NBC News that the list of prisoners who could be released in a unilateral deal includes five leaders of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, who were convicted in 2008 of transferring more than $12 million to Hamas which is designated a terrorist organization in the U.S. Two of the charity’s leaders were sentenced to 65 years in prison, two others to 15 years and the fifth to 20 years.

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