Hollywood stars call for an end to arms shipments to Israel

The Artists 4  Ceasefire organization, a collective of industry people calling for an end to the war in Gaza, has launched a new initiative to prevent illegal arms sales to Israel. The group, which gained attention when its members wore badges at the Academy Awards, collaborates with famous artist Shepard Fairey and humanitarian organizations such as Oxfam America, ActionAid USA and War Child Alliance/Children in Conflict.

The initiative includes a call to action under the message “cease fire now, stop the weapons, save lives”, and asks to stop the transfer of weapons that they claim violates American and international law. According to these laws, it is forbidden to supply or use weapons to commit “serious violations of human rights”, including damaging schools or hospitals, restricting humanitarian aid, and killing children.

As part of the effort, Shepard Fairey launched a new artwork featuring a dove of peace carrying barbed wire in its beak, which he describes as “a message about the common humanity we must find in order to rise above enmity and bring an end to destruction and destruction.”

The call comes as part of Artists4Ceasefire’s ongoing efforts to promote an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the return of all hostages and the assurance of humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza. The collective first published this call in an open letter to US President Joe Biden in October 2023, which was signed by over 470 leading film and culture figures, including Joaquin Phoenix, Cate Blanchett, John Stewart, Kristen Stewart and Riz Ahmed.

Prominent Artists4Ceasefire members supporting the new effort include Mark Ruffalo, Maharshala Ali, Cynthia Nixon and Ilana Glazer. Ruffalo, a veteran activist for Palestinian rights and a harsh critic of Israel’s military actions, said: “Our demand is simple – our elected leaders must enforce international and American humanitarian laws that prohibit the use of military aid to commit serious human rights violations.”

Ruffalo added that Britain had recently suspended 30 arms export licenses to Israel, a step he described as “not enough, but a start”, and claimed that the US, the largest supplier of arms to Israel, had done nothing. He noted that the US administration holds “cards to get Permanent ceasefire” and called on President Biden to use his authority to end military aid to Israel if Prime Minister Netanyahu refuses to accept a ceasefire.

Maharsala Ali called for an end to the “mass destruction” carried out with the funds of the American taxpayer: “We stand together to remind the leaders in the US and the world that millions of human lives are in danger – both Palestinians and Israelis – and by sending endless weapons we are actually promoting death and destruction, while we only talk about peace and security”.

Cynthia Nixon added: “Words without actions will not end the unbearable suffering of Palestinian and Israeli mothers, fathers and children. Enough is enough. The global call for a permanent ceasefire – which is also supported by an absolute majority of Americans – must be heard.”

Ilana Glazer emphasized that US arms sales to Israel “cause insecurity among Jews and contribute to the rise of anti-Semitism in the world.” According to her, “the security and safety of Jews and Muslims, Israelis and Palestinians, are interdependent. We have a moral and legal obligation to stop the flow of weapons.”

The Artists4Ceasefire initiative prompted a sharp response from a coalition of entertainment industry leaders who came together under the name Brigade in the wake of the October 7 attack to combat the rise of global anti-Semitism. This highlights the deep controversy surrounding the war between Israel and Hamas within the entertainment industry.

The Brigade coalition condemned the Artists4Ceasefire statements as “dangerous, ignorant and anti-American nonsense” which they claim equates to “anti-Semitism in the guise of anti-Zionism”.

In a statement they said: “Hamas broke the ceasefire on October 7, when they killed the largest number of Jews since the Holocaust, and for the avoidance of doubt, Hamas is the enemy of Israelis and Palestinians alike, who want a life of peaceful coexistence. We must focus on returning the seven Americans who are still are being held in Gaza, along with the other 90 hostages.”

By Editor

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