Iran Accuses Russia of Threatening Its Geopolitical Interests

Iran’s Tasnim news agency, which reflects the position of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, accused Russia of intending to facilitate plans by Azerbaijan and Turkey to establish control over the Zangezur Corridor.

The corridor allows connecting the main territory of Azerbaijan with the Nakhchivan region, the only region of the country bordering Turkey. In essence, we are talking about creating a transport artery that will connect Ankara and Baku.

However, this corridor runs along the border of Armenia and Iran, cutting these countries off from each other and radically changing the geopolitical situation in the Caucasus region.

Tasnim cites recent statements by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in which he accuses Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of sabotaging trilateral agreements between Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan.

It is noted that during a telephone conversation between the new Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi and his Armenian counterpart, the Iranian politician expressed support for Armenia’s territorial integrity. It is also reported that this issue was also raised by the Iranian ambassador to Moscow during meetings with Russian Foreign Ministry employees.

“Iranian experts advise Russia to take into account that Iran is against the creation of the corridor. Moscow should not be surprised by Iran’s legitimate demands. Our sovereign state, which has always resisted the hegemonic aspirations of the US and the West, will not tolerate changes on its borders,” the agency reports.

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