The Vatican’s “Romeo and Juliet”: two employees threatened with dismissal for getting married get married

Two employees of the Vatican Bank are at risk of being fired for getting married due to a new agency rule that expressly prohibits the hiring of two spouses. The couple got married on Saturday, according to local media reports. The Messenger, so he could lose his job within a month if a solution is not reached before then.

The Association of Lay Employees of the Vatican (ADLV) revealed on Wednesday that it has tried mediate without success, So far, in the case of two officials of the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), known as the Vatican Bank.

“As an association that represents the demands of its almost 600 members we have tried to mediate with the IOR, we have provided arguments to highlight how the Birth of a new family cannot be compromised by bureaucratic regulations, we have consulted experts in canon law but it has been of no use,” the organization says.

The ADVL explains in a statement that what resulted from its attempts was a “cold communication that referred to a regulation, which in fact has retroactive effects, given that our two colleagues had already date setand the wedding venue when the new regulations came out.”

The organization assures that it has been “working for three years to establish a center in the Vatican as well.” labor law that takes into account the legitimate aspirations of people and strengthens our sense of community.”

“With everyone’s help we will continue to act, we will strengthen ourselves as the desired organization Saint John Paul IIso that the ADVL is an actor of consultation in all workplaces,” he concludes.

Los two young people employees They got married last Saturday in a parish on the Roman coast with a small group of friends and family, he has revealed in the last few hours The Messenger.

The norm

In practice, the termination of the employment contract is provided for after 30 days after the celebration of the marriage, unless one of the two spouses decides voluntarily resign to employment.

Los “Romeo and Juliet from beyond the Tiber had the courage to challenge power and, above all, the strange regulation “just published by the IOR,” says the Roman newspaper, which brought to light the situation of these two Vatican employees last July.

Since then, the issue has “inflated, bouncing around various curial tables, analyzed by prelates and jurists but without any possible solution,” according to the source, who emphasizes that “for the two young men the only existing possibility to try to keep their jobs would be a direct intervention by the pontiff“.

The newlyweds have already been suspended for a few days after her story was made known by the IOR, which stated in a statement that its objective “is exclusively to guarantee conditions of equal treatment among staff.”

By Editor

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