Bowl: "I’m not afraid of investigations. There are other women in this story"

“I’m not afraid of the investigations because I simply told the truth. I felt cornered. I respected the man and the institutions”. Maria Rosaria Boccia is a guest on the show “In Onda” on La7 to record the interview while at the same time Sangiuliano was sending the letter to Giorgia Meloni announcing his irrevocable resignation. In the interview conducted for LA7 by Luca Telese and Marianna Aprile, Maria Rosaria Boccia and the hosts talk about the “minister”, now ex-at the center of the scandal for the alleged improper use of the company car, for an appointment as a consultant granted but not formalized, for messages, conversations and confidential documents that are now in the possession of the entrepreneur originally from Pompeii who aspired to direct the major events of the Mic.

“I don’t need money, my family doesn’t need positions. I have a very thriving job. The minister knows this very well.” Boccia brushes aside some of the accusations that have been leveled at her in recent days by those who have defended the former director of Tg2: she allegedly blew up the case to gain benefits of all kinds. She was allegedly a social climber.

Decisive attitude, a smile on her face, a calm tone, a constant reference to the minister with a “he has to explain it” regarding issues that would require interpretation: in an hour-long interview Maria Rosaria Boccia never loses control. Not even when asked how she felt. “I want an apology from the man, for me and for my family. The minister will then have to apologize to the Italian people, not to me.” Does she want a public apology? “He put me there in the public square. I was neither a political figure nor a showbiz personality. My life was fantastic and now it’s not exactly easy.”

Her reaction to the minister’s statements, in particular to the interview given to the director of Tg1 Chiocci, the Campanian entrepreneur is unruffled: “I only corrected the minister’s lies and I continue to do so. I was not spying on the minister. I was working with the minister”.

Was Sangiuliano wrong to resign? “Maybe today, after all the media storm we have experienced, it was necessary. However, he could have not done it by telling the truth from the beginning”, responds dryly Maria Rosaria Boccia, guest of the program “In Onda” on La7.

And even on the nature of the relationship with the minister, Boccia is not upset: Sangiuliano spoke of an emotional relationship, is his version different? “I don’t tell a different story. I ask the minister to tell the truth. In this truth there are many women involved that for the sake of truth I should mention”. Women with whom the minister had relationships? “Let’s not go any further. I believe – she adds, remaining vague – that this whole situation should be extinguished without further harming anyone and without involving other people. It is not respectful that the minister continues to say inaccurate things, increasingly widening the circle of lies. I do not want to be exploited to cover up other things”, she concludes.

The family affair enters forcefully into the institutional affair, when one wants to reconstruct the reason for the change of heart on the nomination, with a process started and then interrupted before it could be completed. One of the theories is that the intervention of the minister’s wife contributed significantly. And Boccia would have listened to the voice of Mrs. Sangiuliano. “I was not with the minister when he spoke to his wife. I was able to listen to this audio because the minister called me leaving the phone open without his wife’s knowledge and I listened to the conversation”, between the two. Maria Rosaria Boccia claims this, adding that Sangiuliano’s wife “asked to tear up the nomination. Was the nomination torn up on a woman’s whim or because I did not have the skills?”, she concludes.

But while the interview was being prepared, the news of his resignation arrived and Boccia, with a calm and decisive tone, disappointed those who expected words of satisfaction, as the hosts pointed out: “I’m not happy, absolutely not, he deserved that position, he’s a very competent person, in my opinion he’s also a good person. He found himself in a situation that he didn’t know how to handle, I’m very sorry because he deserved that position and in my opinion he also carried it out in an excellent manner”.

By Editor

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