Venezuela: Asylum seekers denounce police “besieging” Argentina’s residence in Caracas

Police officers from Venezuela The official residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas – under Brazilian protection following the expulsion of the diplomatic mission of the southern country – was “sieged” on Friday night, where six opposition members have been sheltering since March, two of the asylum seekers reported.

Through the social network X, the International Coordinator of Vente Venezuela (VV) -party led by María Corina Machado-, Pedro Urruchurtu indicated that agents of the Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (DAET) of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin), together with “hooded and armed officials surround” the place.

For his part, the former deputy Omar Gonzalez also a member of VV, reported the power supply cut to the residence, after which a “small emergency plant” to have the service.

“There are dozens of state security forces surrounding the Embassy, ​​which has had its electricity cut off and is being lit by a small emergency generator.”said the opponent in a video he published on X.

In addition to Urruchurtu and González, there are also asylum seekers Magalli Medawho was the campaign manager for the presidential elections; Claudia MaceroVV Communications Coordinator; Humberto Villaloboselectoral coordinator of the VV Campaign Command, and the former minister Fernando Martinez Mottolaadvisor to the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition bloc.

The six opposition members sought refuge after the Prosecutor’s Office accused them of several crimes, including conspiracy and treason, among others.

LOOK HERE: Prosecutors link three detained anti-Chavez activists to the disclosure of electoral records in Venezuela

At the end of July, this group of opponents denounced that “regime security officials” They were outside the place and were looking “take over this diplomatic seat”which they described as a “serious violation of international law”.

Since August, Brazil has been responsible for the custody of the diplomatic headquarters of Peru y Argentina in Venezuela, as well as the representation of its interests and citizens in the Caribbean country, following the expulsion of members of both legations.

LOOK HERE: US Marine under investigation in Venezuela after entering “without documentation,” prosecutor says

In addition to Peru and Argentina, the Executive of Nicolas Maduro He also demanded that Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay withdraw “immediate” of their representatives, in rejection of their “interventionists” statements regarding the presidential elections of July 28, in which the Chavista was proclaimed the winner, which is questioned by a large part of the international community.

It should be noted that Brazil also assumed custody of the six opposition members who had taken refuge in Caracas.

By Editor

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