After video with assault rifle: MP resigns from AfD

AfD state parliament member Maximilian Müger was asked to leave the party after a video was made public. He did so.

After criticism of a Tiktok Videos, that he had with a Assault rifle shows, the Hessian AfD member of the state parliament Maximilian Müger a request for Exit from his party.

“The regional spokespersons of the AfD Hessen have called on Maximilian Müger to leave the party – he complied with this request on Friday and also announced his resignation from the parliamentary group,” the two regional spokespersons explained. Robert Lambrou and Andreas Lichert.

“We expressly distance ourselves from Maximilian Müger’s behavior and condemn it in the strongest possible terms,” ​​the state association’s statement continued.

By leaving the party, Müger “saved the party and the parliamentary group the time-consuming process of expulsion from the party and expulsion from the parliamentary group, which would inevitably have been his lot due to his behavior.”

Video was deleted again

As the “Hessenschau” reported, a video was briefly shown on the online service Tiktok in which Müger, holding a rifle, calls for a fight against migration.

The video was quickly deleted. Müger reportedly explained that it had been published “accidentally” and was actually intended for private use.

In brief

  • The Hessian AfD member of the state parliament, Maximilian Müger, has resigned from the AfD and the parliamentary group following criticism of a TikTok video featuring an assault rifle.
  • The AfD Hessen condemned Müger’s behavior and emphasized that his resignation had spared him the costly process of an exclusion procedure.
  • Müger explained that the video was published accidentally and was originally intended for private use only.

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