Traffic accident in Šibenik: A car crashed into a moped. The teenager (18) was seriously injured

The trainč moped was seriously injured on Friday at 11:55 a.m. in Šibenik in Karlova Street.

The driver (51) of a car with Šibenik registration entered the intersection with Marko Maruli Street, which is marked by a road sign as a road with the right of way, and did not miss all the vehicles moving on that road. With the front part of the car, she hit the front part of a moped with Šibenik registrations driven by an 18-year-old man.

– Due to the force of the impact and the fall, the 18-year-old driver was diagnosed with serious physical injuries at the General Hospital in Šibenik and was detained for hospital treatment. A criminal charge will be filed against the 51-year-old driver for causing the traffic accident – the police announced.

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