Edmundo González Urrutia: Colombia regrets the departure of opposition leader González from Venezuela and demands guarantees

Colombia -which attempts to mediate the post-election crisis of Venezuela- regretted on Monday the departure of the Venezuelan opposition candidate from his country Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutiawho arrived on Sunday at Spainwhere he will receive political asylum.

“The Colombian government regrets the departure of Venezuela of Edmundo Gonzalez. Highlights the agreement of the governments of Spain y Venezuela to guarantee political asylum,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

For weeks now, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro along with that of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvais trying to mediate in the Venezuelan post-election crisis, which has left 27 dead, some 200 injured and 2,400 detainees.

Colombia reaffirms that the political process in the brother country and in any country of the Americas must be surrounded by full guarantees”the chancellery claimed.

One more time, Colombia advocates dialogue to build an agreement that ensures political peace in the neighboring country“, he added.

Gonzalez Urrutia He arrived in Madrid on Sunday with his wife after the Venezuelan justice system issued an arrest warrant against him on September 2.

The leader reported that he was subjected to harassment and threats and promised to continue from Spain “the struggle to achieve freedom and the recovery of democracy in Venezuela”.

Maduro’s reelection, proclaimed by the National Electoral Council and validated by the Supreme Court of Justice, has not yet been recognized by Colombia which like Brazil, Spain, United States and several Latin American countries insist on requesting the publication of detailed scrutiny.

The Venezuelan opposition – led by Maria Corina Machado- states that Gonzalez Urrutia won the July 28 elections with more than 60% of the votes, according to the copy of more than 80% of the voting records that he has in his possession and that he published on a website.

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