This is what awaits tourists in the summer in Europe
The heavy heat that was in June in Greece was only the precursor to what is expected to happen in the coming July-August. Extreme temperatures were measured in Athens and the surrounding islands and the country is still not prepared to receive tourists in such weather. In many places there are still no air conditioners, there is not enough shading, and the situation led to tragic results, when no less than three different tourists found their deaths due to the weather conditions.> Summer is here: extreme weather warnings

Greece is of course just an example, and in the coming summer it is expected that destinations such as Italy, Spain and other destinations in Europe, which are always hot this season, will experience extreme conditions than before. “Our energy levels while on vacation were lower than we thought they would be,” said Mary, a tourist from the US who recently traveled to Greece. “It was unbearable every time we went outside in the heat.”


Roe Clarke, a tourist from England who is now staying with his girlfriend in Greece, told CNN: “The climate crisis we feared in 10 or 15 years is already here in some parts of the world. It’s scary. Just five years ago me and my friends wouldn’t even be talking or thinking about This is now our main occupation.”

Research shows that extreme climate change is already having a major impact on where tourists choose to vacation. Thus, following the European heat wave in the summer of 2023, for example, which caused fires on the Greek island of Rhodes, among other things, there was a 7 percent increase in the expression of concerns about climate change among travelers in Europe, according to the European Travel Committee (ETC).


Stephanos Sideropoulos, who runs the largest travel agency in Greece, points out that tourists arriving in the country should not jump straight into physical activities, and that they need a day of acclimatization. “For people who come from Northern Europe or Canada, places with colder temperatures, it is very difficult to adapt. It is important that they take a more relaxed day at the beginning.”

Plus, a big article on CNN She recently showed that the “hot season” from a tourist point of view is no longer what we used to know, and as time goes by, it keeps changing and the gaps between the peak of the season and the off season are getting smaller and smaller. That is, July-August have become less attractive because of the congestion and heat, and the spring and autumn months are gaining momentum.

By Editor

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