6 famous destinations that tourists never want to return to

Cairo is beautiful but has many tourist traps, Rome is too hot and crowded in the summer, making many tourists not want to return to these places.

Below are world-famous tourist destinations that “tourists never want to return to because of disappointment” that have attracted the attention of many users on the famous forum Reddit, USA.

A tourist nicknamed Cheat-Meat chose Cairo, Egypt as a place to “never return” because the pyramids are beautiful but scammers and tourist scammers have ruined that beautiful experience.

Many people agreed with this. Another person said they were practically locked in a perfume shop in Egypt and forced to buy anything. However, this person still refused to buy anything, forcing the shop owner to let the customer go. “It was a bit scary,” said the tourist nicknamed Crap-bag.


A passenger camel rests at a pyramid in Egypt. Photo: Egypt keytours

India was the next most mentioned destination, with complaints including “constant harassment,” “disrespect for tourists,” and “staring.” Many travelers said they loved the curry, but that love wasn’t enough to make them visit India again.

In addition, the state of Florida, USA is also a destination that many visitors put on the list because of “many tourist traps, many rude people”. However, many visitors still praise the destination for its “wonderful nature” if they can escape the stuffy commercial center area.

For many visitors, the bright lights of Monaco are not impressive. “The public toilets at the palace are extremely dirty” and at the Monte Carlo casino, visitors “are ignored unless they are regulars or wealthy” are some of the experiences that make visiting one of the world’s richest countries unpleasant.

Price is also a factor that makes tourists decide not to return. A user named Joe Cool said Switzerland is beautiful but too expensive. The cheapest dinner they ever paid in this country was $150. Most meals cost over $200. Trains and cable cars that take 30 minutes to go up the mountain cost $130. Meanwhile, the same experience in France, Italy, Austria, Germany costs only 50% of the price.

Rome, Italy is a destination that tourists share should not visit in the summer because it is too hot and crowded, making everything “terrible”.

In addition, tourists also share about places they want to return to many times. Cornwall, England is such a destination. They love the pristine sandy beaches, rich history and architectural works at this destination. “Emerald green sea, many beautiful bays, coastal walking trails filled with the scent of flowers” are the advantages when tourists mention Cornwall.

The coastal city of Penang, Malaysia, is another favorite destination for international visitors. The most impressive experience for visitors when coming here is that it gives them the feeling of “visiting many countries at once” due to the blend of cultures. Oman, a destination in the Middle East, is also rated as having a lot to see with diverse landscapes, from deserts, mountains, beaches, forests, valleys and ancient villages, friendly people. New Orleans, USA is considered to have the most vibrant culture that visitors have ever known.

Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto are the main destinations for tourists when coming to Japan. However, many tourists express their love for Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Known as “Little Kyoto”, Kanazawa brings visitors more surprises than expected.

By Editor

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