Finland’s deepest swamp lies beneath your feet, and the scenery is like that of Lapland – Torronsuo enchants in all seasons

Torronsuo National Park is an impressive day trip destination. Even though we are in Kanta-Hämee, the scenery brings to mind the wilderness of Lapland.

Torronsuo is also an important nesting and resting place for birds.

Päivi Arvonen

| Updated

Torronsuon the national park can be reached, for example, along the ancient Hämeen Härkätie, which connected the castles of Häme and Turku.

Regional road 282 between Somero and Forssa meanders through an idyllic country landscape. In Tammela, about halfway down the road, lies Torro’s old village and Torronsuo National Park next to it.

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