City trip: Are tourists being ripped off in Lisbon?

Sure, bad weather is annoying on vacation. So is bad food at the half-board buffet. Also annoying: queues at check-in, delayed flights and traffic jams. For some, screaming children are a thorn in the side – in this case – whether their own or someone else’s.

But the worst thing for many tourists is being ripped off. Not just because the money is then lost in an unpleasant way – only a minority are naturally inclined to be indifferent to their own financial situation, even if it is only a few euros. But also because such a rip-off affects one’s honor – who wants to be seen as stupid or naive?

The respected Portuguese newspaper Express has now reported that there are several restaurants in the old town of Lisbon that charge different prices depending on whether their guests are locals or tourists. If it were Mallorca, the Bild-newspaper would have long since shouted “Scandal!” and “Rip-off!” at its readers on the front page.

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You should be warned about the hard fruits, especially when travelling. However, not for the seemingly obvious reasons.

In fact, it is not in keeping with the fine art of hospitality for a landlord to behave in this way – especially since informants report that the incriminated establishments are actually trying to get as much money as possible out of tourists without scaring away the local regulars. The tourist surcharge is therefore clearly not part of a mixed calculation that would even make you feel good as a vacationer because you would be making a kind of donation. In this respect, there is only outrage at this behavior. After all, people want to be treated fairly and equally.

But that doesn’t always have its good side. At the Munich Oktoberfest, for example, which begins in two weeks, the strict equal treatment of locals and tourists means that both groups are ripped off. Is that better? There is also another point to consider: almost all holidaymakers do not want to be perceived as part of a mass, but insist on their right to individuality.

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So why the outrage over different treatment, which in fact already exists in many other areas: for the same service, every guest in a holiday hotel has definitely paid a different price for travel, accommodation and food. The bouncer lets some into the club, others not. Some negotiate better with taxi drivers than others. So even the tourists do differently with each other, to stay with the “beware of rip-offs” argument pattern. Why also get into trouble with the locals and their discounts? Relaxation only works in a relaxed atmosphere.

Furthermore, perhaps Lisbon’s restaurateurs are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. Instead of ruining the quality of life in their city for locals by applying the Oktoberfest principle, every guest pays to maintain it. Some through their social background, others through a subsidy surcharge. In the best case, everyone benefits and no one has to feel exploited. And certainly not the landlord.

By Editor

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